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[stem-dev] Agenda for the November STEM community call

The agenda for the STEM community call on Thursday, November 6th appears below. As usual, the call will at be 9 am Pacific time (now Standard time, not Daylight). 

If you would like to join the call, contact me at judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx for call in instructions.


Agenda for November 6, 2014

Subject to change


1. STEM 2.0.2 up; status of release scheduled for October 22


2. Feature requests

*Restricting air travel for certain compartments

*Implementing roads in Africa – Able to get from open street maps?


3. Possible discussion items?

*Standards-based Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) for predictive disease modeling

*Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm


4. BfR use of STEM? 


5. Bugs

*Status check of world for zero population areas? 


6. Ebola modeling – Updates from Kun & Jamie


7. Items from Participants

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