Decision: Freeze code and refactor June
3, 2009, using the new version
Do stepwise. Refactor first (delete
projects now defunct), then move
Vote: Unanimous, no objections
Determine how other Eclipse projects organizing directories, renaming, etc.
will investigate
Vote: Unanimous, no objections
Decision: Complete source code migration
June 30, 2009
Matt will check Eclipse rules for moving
from incubation status
Vote: Unanimous, no objections
Decision: First release of STEM with
current features September 15, 2009
Will review all bugs to determine which need
to be fixed; also review technical and legal issues
Vote: Unanimous, no objections
Decision: Follow-on release with
multiple population functionalities November 30, 2009
Stefan will check with Dan to get his
list for incorporation into the release plan
Vote: Unanimous, no objections
Item: Next big milestone OSGI
Item: Change version numbering, starting
w/ 10.0, feature build 2.0.0, etc.
Item: Check w/ Yossi re weekly update