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Re: [soc-dev] GSOC 2016

Hello Krishni,

thanks for your interest in Package Drone.

There is a contribution guide [1] which should give you a quick start into the project. If you have any questions, just let me know, so that I can help you. Once you got the setup working and feel confident working with it, maybe let me know how you would like to approach the task so that we can discuss the project.

So the task is to create a REST like API in an OSGi HttpService based environment. Using open source technologies which are compatible with the Eclipse Foundation's license policies. This includes a basic idea how to approach the task, the security aspect, a few service APIs as proof of concept and optionally a small client library or command line application.

For GSoC you will need to submit your project with Google directly. Also see the guide from Eclipse [2].

Best regards



On 02/28/2016 03:16 AM, krishni andradi wrote:
Hello Sir,

I am Krishni, undergraduate computer engineering student.

And i'm interested to work in “Package Drone” project this summer.

I have gone though the ideas list and I would like to cooperate with

idea “Create a REST based API.

So I would like to know more details.

Thank you

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