No worries, you did not miss a lot. Marc and I had a nice chat and agreed to have the next conf call July 16th. That's it. I will not be available for the call, but I will send Marc the moderator conference extension. So he will be able to kick off the meeting.
Regards, Zsolt
Sorry for not making it today, this is a rough week for me (hopefully the last one so)...
Best regards, Marc D.
Le 18/06/2013 17:02, Marc.Gille@xxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :
Thanks, Adrian. I am on the bridge. Alone so far ... No wait: Zsolt is there.
-----Original Message----- From: soa-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:soa-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mos, Adrian Sent: Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013 17:00 To: SOA PMC mailing list Subject: Re: [soa-pmc] PMC Call Tomorrow
Sorry for the last-minute notice, can't make it today :( No major news on my side. Marc: I know I need to get back to you regarding Mangrove's future and the SOA project. Also FYI we are working on Stardust monitoring and will soon get back to speen on BPMN 2 work, so the connections are as strong as ever :)
Looking forward to the meeting minutes.
Cheers, Adrian.
-----Original Message----- From: soa-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:soa-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Zsolt Beothy-Elo Sent: 17 June 2013 16:04 To: soa-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx mailing list Subject: [soa-pmc] PMC Call Tomorrow
Gents, tomorrow is our next PMC call, feel free to add your topics to the agenda ( Don't forget we have a new Call-in:
North America (toll free) 1-877-369-7806 Germany (local call anywhere in Germany) 49-692-2224-6059 France (local call anywhere in France) 33-17-070-8535 Participant conference extension: 714, then enter pin 91281
Regards, Zsolt
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Zsolt Beothy-Elo Software Engineer Email zbeothy@xxxxxxxxxx Talend GmbH | Servatiusstrasse 53 - 53175 Bonn - Germany | +49 228 76 37 76 50 | www.talend.comGlobal Leader in Open Source Integration