Hi again guys,
So here’s how the two processes look in the generated DSL editors. There are features such as code completion available for all constructs and possible parameters.
name OK
notify {
notify {
code OK
notify {
notify {
soa-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:soa-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Bob Brodt
Sent: 22 March 2013 14:27
To: SOA PMC mailing list
Subject: Re: [soa-pmc] submission to ECON?
Hmm, sorry about that - I embedded the image in the HTML of my last email, but here it is again.
The Start/End events can easily be added "by the user" as a required final step in the bpmn file cleanup, so I think we're OK there. The Start event will need to have a Message Event Definition added to it anyway, and I think that's probably beyond the scope
of what you are doing for the DSL.
Hi Bob,
I think the picture is missing from the attachment. Sure I can generate Manual Tasks and perhaps some Service Tasks as soon as I figure out the DSL. Although I have everything I need
to generate Mangrove from an XText DSL, it’s likely I might need to play on that part a bit over the weekend as well
Regarding the start and end events, I might just leave them disconnected or take them out completely, it all depends on what I will come up with in the DSL (whether I put a start and
end concepts in the DSL or not). Of course the BPMN editor user would then connect them as appropriate.
Pretty cool :) Here's what your generated file looks like when opened it in the editor:
The only issues I see are that the task types should be ManualTask and of course the disconnected events.
Marc, have you had a chance to test the BPMN files I sent earlier? What bits are still missing?
Although I WILL be working on my slide deck on Saturday (tomorrow) let's try to wrap this up today!
Thanks everyone,
HI Bob,
Cool, thanks for the tip, so it seems that the generated file has the right XML format now (see attached).
Regarding the Service task, I can try to simply generate an “empty” service task for the DSL elements where this makes sense and then in the BPMN editor everything including the WSDL
will be added as appropriate.
For the last comment I didn’t make myself clear I think
J I wanted to say that the file that Mangrove will create and pass to you, will naturally not be a perfect, fully-formed BPMN. As you also mentioned, there will be things
missing from the process that will need to be added using the BPMN editor (that’s what I called “improvements”). So it’s not improvements to the editor but improvements to the file
I am working today on the xtext DSL that will be used to generate the Mangrove file which in turn will generate the BPMN. The work on the DSL does not really impact the generation of
the BPMN.
I think that your suggestion to meet on the Sunday is great, to make sure we work with the right files. Also we need to discuss the logic of the Mangrove transformation, I mean the
fact that Mangrove will generate the BPMN that needs to be enhanced, we need to be on the same page as to what exactly will the enhancements be. Of course I know you’ll also have a full BPMN file ready to be shown, independent of the generated file I’ll pass
to you, but to make sure that the whole chain is smooth and the presentation is good…
Hi Adrian,
It's getting better :)
It looks like your code (below) is not finding the BPMN2 metamodel resource factory because EMF does not know the file's content type. Try using the ResourceSet.createResource(URI, String) override and pass it the content type string "org.eclipse.bpmn2.content-type.xml"
- that should do the trick.
As for the Service Task and WSDL thing: this is something that really needs to be done by the editor because there are several objects that need to be created (Interface, Operation, Messages, etc.) This is all handled by the WSDL importer in the editor, so
I wouldn't worry about it (this will be part of my task during the demo.)
Not sure what you meant by your third comment ("Regarding the type of tasks...") but it's a little late in the game to be making major code changes/enhancements in the BPMN editor <yikes!> I hope that's not what you had in mind...
Hi Bob,
So here’s an updated generated file. I fixed 1 and 3, and also added logic to create the sequence flows and other things. For XML serialization, I’d be happy to use it if you could
let me know how, currently I’m using the default ResourceSet serialization, like this:
ResourceSet rs =
new ResourceSetImpl();
Resource resource = rs.createResource(uri);
Regarding the content of the attached file, can you check it’s something you can work with (ignore the start and end events)? Regarding the Service Tasks I could perhaps generate them
but is there an attribute in the service task where we specify the WSDL and so on?
Regarding the type of tasks, since Mangrove will be generated from a DSL, we may have to do improvements in the BPMN editor, so it is to be expected that the generated BPMN is not
the full one that you’ll provide to Stardust, this will also allow us to show the BPMN editor at work
Hmm, not quite right.
1. the <bpmn2:DocumentRoot> should NOT be there, <definitions> should be the root.
2. can you use the XML serialization instead of XMI? The editor is not equipped to handle XMI files (yet).
3. each of the <process> elements is going to generate a new BPMNDiagram, which appears as a tab on the multipage editor. I think we just wanted a single Process with multiple Lanes.
Hi Bob,
Can you have a look at this small generated bpmn file and let me know if this structure is OK? This does not have elements in the processes other than start and end events, but I will
add them soon. The question is, are the processes OK, or do I need to create pools, lanes as well ofr your diagram generation to work?
Thanks Adrian. I think you should try very hard to use just the bpmn2 metamodel, because we don't want to have a dependency on the BPMN2 Modeler in your Mangrove plugin ;)
I've been enhancing the editor to generate the missing DI elements and this is turning into a bigger task than I originally thought because the resulting diagram looks really bad without some kind of automatic layout algorithm. I'm finishing this up today and
should have something that works reasonably well (or at least "good enough") by tomorrow. It looks like we are making progress :)
Marc G., can you put together a quick checklist of the BPMN elements & features that need to be added by the BPMN2 Modeler during our demo? I would like to test as early as possible to make sure all of the required pieces are handled correctly by the editor.
Thanks all!
Hi Bob,
Sorry to come back to you late on this, we actually exchanged on private email after this was sent. Just on one question you asked about why I did feel the need to use the ModelHandler,
it was only because I thought that there were some problems with the Document Root (remember seeing some comment on this somewhere in your code). But this may work directly with the original meta-model. Will get back to you tomorrow with a prototype generation
of BPMN that hopefully you can use in the editor directly.
Hey Adrian & all,
I've built the "bare-bones" processes Marc described (see attachments). The only things missing are the WSDL/XSD imports and type definitions. I'm assuming these are to be added with the BPMN2 editor during the demo, yes?
I don't see any reason why you couldn't use just the bpmn2 metamodel to generate the output from Mangrove - why do you feel it is necessary to use the editor ModelHandler class (what am I missing?)
Currently the editor does NOT create BPMN DI elements (and their associated graphical shapes and connections) from just the BPMN2 model elements. A process file that has no BPMNShapes and BPMNEdges will just show up as an empty canvas, although the Content
Outline view will show the "Business Model" tree. This capability kind of requires an auto layouter, which I haven't had time to investigate yet (but it's on my list!) If absolutely necessary, I could hack together a crude BPMN DI generator and arrange the
BPMNShapes horizontally/vertically, but it probably won't be pretty ;)
Hi Marc,
Thanks a lot for all the work, this looks great. Regarding the conversion to BPMN, I would need from Bob the exact BPMN file that is the target for Mangrove (what should be my output).
Also Bob, should I use your org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.ModelHandler helper class for creating the file? This seems to be the way to go for your project (even though I would’ve preferred a way to do this which is only dependent on the BPMN2 meta-model,
and not the editor itself). If I do use the ModelHandler, I’d probably use some of its creation methods to populate the contents of the BPMN2 file.
Regarding the serialization of the file, are there any particular issues I need to worry about?
Lastly, in the serialized BPMN2 file there are hierarchies for model elements as well as graphical elements. I would think that diagrams can be generated from the models, is this correct?
That is, if I generate the model elements, your editor is capable of generating a diagram for each process, for instance? Or do I need to instantiate sample diagram elements in the BPMN2 file?
I have created a simple web app to kick off the two processes for the charity umbrella organization of a fictitious country
It sends the input form data to a process engine with simple REST calls. Find a few screen shots below. We can surely tweak it a bit till next week.
I will check in the code into Git in the next 2-3 days (all very simple _javascript_, HTML, jQuery) and also deploy on SunGard’s Cloud Platform (will send link).
Regarding our demo(s) I suggest a “before/after strategy”: Instead if importing Adrian > Bob and Bob > Marc G. we may prepare the enriched (“after”) state of the model
and only show that the import works in general (“before” state). I am just skeptical that we will be able to test everything properly to really show end to end – but if so: even better.
Marc D. maybe we can agree on a simplistic Address Verification WSDL (e.g. based on the fields below) and show your other WS during the demo?

Gille, Marc
Sent: Donnerstag, 14. März 2013 02:45
To: 'SOA PMC mailing list'
Subject: RE: [soa-pmc] submission to ECON?
find below some screenshots of what I was thinking of. Processes are running end-to-end on Stardust and I would suggest “backtracking” now. In other words: Adrian to start
with “naked” Mangrove approach, passing over to Bob, who would in turn pass over to me. Marc D. to expose the
Address Check WS which is currently only invoked in the Vacation Request. Whatever additional WS is coming to your mind, we can easily squeeze in. We also should agree on an XSD for the WS(s).
I will build out a sample UI for kicking off the processes (see spec) in the next 2-3 days. Hope to have all of this in a demo environment over the weekend.
Charity Organization Request

Vacation Approval Request

Project Outline

Hi guys,
So this all looks great! So regarding my participation, as Marc says it’s probably best if Mangrove comes up first in the demo-chain, although we could also give a quick peek at moving
info to SCA as well. So here’s what I propose in this case, and I’ll probably dedicate the better part of the time until EclipseCON to work on this:
Starting from a DSL (probably developed using Xtext), we create a domain-specific process or both processes for our scenario. Domain-specific here would mean that we come up with some concepts for tasks that are specific to
our scenario, such as “application analysis”, “dispatch request”, “charity check” and so on. I would say that a total of 5-7 concepts should be enough. These concepts would then be used in the definition of the domain specific processes.
The domain-specific processes would then be transformed into Mangrove.
We can show the graphical overview of these processes with the Mangrove Viewer.
From Mangrove we would then generate BPMN2.
We could also generate SCA to say that this could potentially be used for more intricate architecture definition but we’ll not use that for the scenario.
Then the rest of your scenario Marc would follow.
So I will need to see the full BPMN that you guys want to have so that I can quickly come up with the concepts and then I need to code the new Xtext DSL + the transformation plugin
to Mangrove. Regarding Mangrove to BPMN2, this transformation plugin needs to be coded at this stage, but I’m fairly confident that there’s no problem doing it and in any case I’ll try to advance with both things fairly fast. Bob was interested in this transformation
as well so if I get stuck he might help when he’s back from holidays.
So I’ll get to work on this and the sooner we have the BPMN diagrams, the better would be for me to draft the concepts and circulate them back to you guys.
Sure, here's sort of what I was thinking...
Great, thanks. Can you send some sample BPMN serialization files just to test compatibility?
This sounds great Marc, looks like we have a plan. One of the features I'd like to show off in the BPMN2 editor is the multi-diagram capbility: we could essentially build a high-level choreography diagram which models the participants and message flows, and
within the same bpmn file, model the underlying processes for each participant. Not sure if Stardust can consume this type of model, and not even sure it would apply to this scenario, but it's something to think about.
I'll assume we can use the WSDLs and XSDs from the EasySOA sample that Marc D provided as a starting point?
As I said before, I'll be on vacation next week, but I will check emails occasionally (most likely off hours when my wife isn't looking ;)
I looked at the mail thread. As Adrian pointed out, it seems not trivial (at least I could not manage) to easily get something out of Marc D’ example we could use for
our end-to-end approach – no offense Marc …
However, I like the general scenario of
One or more charity organisations using a platform provided by a third-party (may be a national benefits roof organization) to offer vacation funding for those in need.
We could model two core
use cases/processes:
Onboarding of a new charity organization, specification of criteria/rules for applicants
Application of an individual in need for funding, dispatching of this application to one of the charity organizations, analysis and approval steps (possibly 4-eyes-principle) and applicant notification.
Hence, we would have as
Platform operators from the roof organization running/operating the system
Administrators of the charity organizations
Applicants would only be implicit participants kicking of workflows via a little portal and receiving notifications.
We might use Web Services for
Address validation
We may draft a very simplistic web portal for
Charity organization registration (kicking of process 1)
Application for vacation funding (kicking of process 2)
The rest could be done entirely with process logic, auto-generated screens and rules.
I would start very simple with all of the above and add more if we have time.
If you guys are OK with the approach we could work on it with the following work packets
Marc D. to think about more WSs.
Marc to sketch out the above on Stardust and possibly host a demo environment we all can play with on SunGard facilities. Byproduct would also be XSDs Marc D. could use.
Bob to adopt the BPMN (which during the demo would be passed from Bob to Marc as discussed) and think about how to highlight features of the BPMN2 editor.
Adrian to adopt Bob’s and Marc’s BPMN back and think about how to create this from Mangrove (conscious that during the demo, Adrian would be the first in the value chain as discussed)
What do you think?
I could have a first version possibly after the weekend.
Hi Marc,
Have you had a chance to look at this in more detail? Anything to share yet?
Agree with Bob: We have to nail it down this week.
I will block half a day tomorrow to look through the material and come up with some suggestions. From a generic perspective, it should not be too complicated:
2 interactive steps (User/Manual Tasks) performed by two different Participants
2 different Events to kick off the process (e.g. Timer and Message)
1-2 Web Service calls in Service Activities
1 Script/Rules Task to e.g. map between payload
Data Structures (XSD) to be used in WS and Process
If you agree, let’s find a business scenario in what Marc D. send and map.
Hey all,
This looks like a good start, but have you guys given any more thought to this? Adrian, what would be used as a starting point for Mangrove? Marc, any thoughts on the BPMN process flows that might be involved?
We have a little less than 3 weeks before EclipseCon and I will be away on PTO March 11-15 (bad timing, I know, but this trip was already planned before EclipseCon and too late to change it now).
Hi guys
Please find references the related WSDLs within the text below.
Marc D.
Le 14/02/2013 13:16, Marc.Gille@xxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :
> I guess the sequence would be
> · Start from Mangrove (Adrian)
> · Continue in the BPMN2 Editor (Bob)
> · Expose Web Services to be consumed in the process (Marc D.)
> · Take over Bob’s model into Stardust add Web Service, add more integration, deploy and show Runtime (Marc G.)
> I have put this on the page Adrian created.
> Marc D. did you sent anything about the semantics of you WS?
Le 14/02/2013 12:14, Marc Dutoo a écrit :
Hi guys
Happy to know it helps !
Here's a description of the actual, original use case.
Please have a look, and help decide which parts should be made in how many BPMN(s). It can be changed, but *if you want to reuse applications* within limits.
https://github.com/easysoa/EasySOA/wiki/Axxx-use-case )
NAHV (National Agency for Holiday Vouchers) sells to employees entreprise-sponsored holiday vouchers. AXXX uses the benefits to fulfill its social misssion as a public service, by allowing underpriviledged people to go on holidays, and first of all through
its flagship APV (Holiday Project Help) program.
This is done by two separate departments (respectively, DCV and DPS) with each their own IT. At first, DPS worked mainly with paper and Excel forms, but DPS IT is now going towards providing complete solutions to DPS business employees within a fully architectured
information system. This entails (subcontracted) development of dedicated business applications, as well as integrating them together and above all with DCV IT data and applications, all according to SOA principles.
Here are the steps of getting a new a new social partner in the APV program :
* in NAHV DCV department, a social partner manager convinces a social partner (inventing a few ones : Homelessness Charity, Rehabilitation Service, Church Unemployment Trust) to get in NAHV's APV (Holiday Project Help) social help program
* the social partner manager goes in the social partner management CRM application "Pivotal" (or it could be a BPM solution frontend ??) and tells it about that
* this triggers an orchestration (implemented in Talend ESB, thought could be within a BPMN)
through creerPrecompte of
* that 1. checks known administrative information about said social partner, using the online Uniserv checkAddress service
* 2. sends it to the "APV" application that toolifies the APV program
* the APV application creates a "pre-account" (account stub ?) for the social partner
* APV managers fill this account stub with : number of people that the social partner anticipate to send on holidays, amount of money that is required for that, finally a signed contract between bith parties
* APV manager approves the transformation to a full fledged account
now the social partner is able to use the APV application to send underpriviledged people on holidays :
* he creates a new "holiday project" with indicative information (where, when)
* he fills it with : total number of people & amount of money used
* he approves / validates / publishes it
* which locks it, computes global aggregegate amounts (people, money)
* and sends these global key indicators to the Pivotal application so it will be displayed to the social partner manager in its dashboard
through Information_APV of
Le 14/02/2013 10:23, Mos, Adrian a écrit :
Hi guys,
So I think it’s great we are beginning to think about the demo and so on, this should give us some time to actually achieve something integrated. What I could show is:
Starting from a domain-specific representation of the business process, Mangrove should generate a first BPMN stub. This could contain a simple BPMN diagram as well as perhaps the web services that correspond to the domain
concepts, associated to their appropriate activities. Of course this BPMN diagram would then be enriched with the BPMN editor, before being deployed.
The mangrove transformation could also generate SCA from this. Now this may not be used for full deployment but we can use this to showcase the fact that we can add architectural elements in case we are not happy with simple
WS invocation.
It would be great If we can come up with a couple of BPMN diagrams that we can discuss on, in order to move all this forward. I created this page:
we can use it as a discussion page and for sharing of up-to-date diagrams etc. I put it under the Mangrove wiki but if you think it’s more appropriate to put it under a SOA wiki we
can always create one!
Marc D, since you have the web services for the social-help use-case, can you put together a first draft of a simple BPMN diagram that shows what can be achieved in such a use-case?
Social help is obviously a far better demo case than financial systems …
J Happy to go with that.
What could be a relevant business process calling into this web services?
Thanks, Bob. That comes timely. I was going to send a similar request.
We need an application domain for our sample scenario. Ideas? Financial systems? Logistics? Retail? Something fancier?
You and I start exchanging sample BPMN models for that domain.
Model should contain steps being supposed to invoke Web Services. Need WSDL.
Marc D. to prepare exposing this Web Service.
Anything Andrian can add on a DL falvour?
Bob Brodt [mailto:bbrodt@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013 19:58
To: SOA PMC mailing list
Cc: Adrian Mos; Marc Dutoo; Gille, Marc
Subject: Re: [soa-pmc] submission to ECON?
Hi all,
I just wanted to catch up with everyone and get a (somewhat) early start on preparing for the SOA Symposium. I'm sure at some point we'll need to get serious and make sure we're all reading from the same script, but I just wanted to toss around some ideas sooner
rather than later.
Anyone have any suggestions or ideas?
Hi guys
I guess we all got the news already, but just to say it, the Eclipse Con program is out and the SOA Symposium is in, so we're getting a little bit closer to the "beer part" ;)
Le 13/12/2012 08:53, Marc.Gille@xxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :
find attached my slide deck I used at EclipseCon Europe 2012. One of the biggest issues there was, that our presentations were not really connected. This is what we intend
to address in Boston.
Regarding Stardust:
If you have build issues, please post them in the forum. We may help.
Stardust’s Eclipse Modeler creates indeed XPDL (and the engine consumes it), but this modeler is on sunset – we may want to use yours as indicated on the Stardust HP. We are focusing on our Browser Modeler (also
part of the Stardust code base and called Lightdust) which is working on BPMN and XPDL. For BPMN we are using the Eclipse BPMN2 Metamodel underneath as I think you do. Hence, this should work smoothly (although I agree that we should test at the earliest).
We will be using the Browser Modeler in Boston. We can exchange sample models to check compatibility immediately.
Happy to hop on a conf call any time next week.
Hi Marc,
Not sure if this has been asked before, but was the EclipseCon Europe presentation recorded, or is there a slide deck available? I would be interested in seeing the "show" in its entirety.
I've started looking seriously at Stardust and am currently running into some build issues, but hope to have those resolved soon. What worries me, though, is that the Process Model editor appears to only handle XPDL. It was my understanding that BPMN2 was supported
also - am I missing something?
When you have some spare time, maybe we could do a conference call and discuss the eclipsecon 2013 presentation. I'd like to get started on preparing something sooner rather than later...just in case ;)
Great. Thanks, Bob. May be alternatively to “open the process model alternatively with the BPMN2 modeler”, we should open subsequently with both editors to show that both
may modified and be used by their respective audiences without breaking things. Should not be a biggy as we both work on the same metamodel implementation. An nothing is wrong with a little regression test …
OK, done. Thanks Marc & Marc :)
Bob, just added you to the submission.
I suggest you insert a line saying that, in parallel to modeling the process in Stardust modeler in Orion, you can benefit of the BPMN2 standard to view and edit it in Eclipse thanks to the BPMN2 editor...
Le 19/11/2012 20:32, Bob Brodt a écrit :
OK, that sounds good to me (especially the "beers" part - I can certainly handle that ;)
Can you list me as one of the speakers for the current SOA-Track session and just let me know about how much presentation time I'll have? Is this something we can work out later (maybe in tomorrow's PMC call?)
So, I don't think I'll be able to put something together for the editor by today's deadline, but I could certainly ride your coattails if you'll let me ;)
[marc.gille] Coattail right away.
I'll have much more free time over the Christmas holidays to devote to a presentation - what kind of integration/tutorial were you thinking about Marc?
[marc.gille] Most importantly all tools to be used in an integrated fashion. At least your modeler and Stardust (and its Browser Modeler) should work seamlessly as we are both using BPMN2 metamodel.
Some Web Service + UI Mashup, deploy, run, beers.
That was my thinking.
this is what I have submitted:
Happy to adjust (or you do). Bob, any chance that you could join the mix?
Great, so we need to make a submission, deadline is today :). Can somebody (Marc or Marc) do this, and put us three as authors? I'm traveling and don't have a laptop...
Sent from my iPhone.
Hi Adrian, Marc
The other Marc (I) is also interested, as I said in my email replying to Marc's "Attendees SOA Track" email. I'd submit updates to my ECE talks, with new stuff & demos since EasySOA will have ended by then.
Le 16/11/2012 18:16, Mos, Adrian a écrit :
Hi Marc,
So far it seems we are the only ones interested in proposing a session. It would be great if you could put a submission in, you can add me as a co-author. I suggest keeping it simple for now, basically just saying
that following our successful SOA Symposium in ECON EU, we are planning to provide a more focused tutorial, focused on practical demos, to keep the momentum going. There are many things happening in this space and we can certainly show interesting things in
Boston. One idea is to also have a talk accepted, like the Modelling Symposium, with lightning talks from various projects:
I will be away from Sunday for a week but I can keep in touch by email.
I also think we should. But I cannot work on anything before tomorrow afternoon. Happy to draft sth after.
Hi Guys,
the submission deadline to ECON 2013 is Monday. Are we going to propose a follow-up session to our SOA Symposium? I think we should… What are your thoughts?
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