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Re: [skalli-dev] Assessing Skalli for the requirements of the codecentric AG

Hi Ben,

Great to hear you're interested in the Skalli project. Skalli indeed already covers the most important use-case with Git/Gerrit, i.e. setting up a new project. For that, there also is a group in Gerrit created, that will have the Project committers assigned initially. However, what we currently still missing is an update/sync of these groups of later on the project members change. This requires some extension of the Gerrit API, that have not been implemented yet.
With Jira, the API looks worse. There we are struggling with the project creation, still looking for a way to realize that. 

For Skalli, we only recently got all our IP related stuff approved at Eclipse, so we now work on getting the build up and running and providing some "ready to use" download. While it's not available yet, there is a little tweaking required in order to run it from the IDE. You find the necessary steps in our contributor guide: Also, we are happy to help you out anytime and get you up to speed - don't hesitate to ask in this mailing list or contact any of us directly. 

Talking about contributions: As it's still a young project, there of course is not yet everything covered. We are happy of course to accept any contribution of stuff you think is missing.


2011/11/6 Ben Ripkens <>
Hi everybody,

my name is Ben Ripkens and I'm currently looking into the Skalli project as part of my bachelor thesis (actually preliminary research). I'll be writing my bachelor thesis with support of the codecentric AG which is interested in tool support for automatic setup and configuration of software development environments.

I have been in contact with Jochen Hiller from Deutsche Telekom AG who pointed me towards the Skalli project. So far it seems that Skalli supports some of the necessary functionality for the codecentric AG. I was hoping you could help me answer some of my questions regarding the Skalli project so that I can assess whether it would be a proper choice for the codecentric AG.

Jochen Hiller presented Git, Gerrit and Jenkins support during his talk on the "Technology meets Talent" day 2011 in Darmstadt (DE). What I didn't see though was in how far Skalli is able to control and configure these applications. For instance, when you create a new project in Skalli, does it also create a new Git repository and configure user access rights?

Does Skalli support JIRA and/or Confluence in any way? It would be nice if it could create a new project in JIRA and configure the users which require access to it.

I would greatly appreciate any help in assessing the Skalli project for the codecentric AG .



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