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Re: [servlet-dev] Question about CI for Servlet


In the case of Servlet, the compatible implementation resides embedded within GlassFish (it's mostly in, so GlassFish itself is the compatible implementation.

I'd like to argue for extra RC versions to be made available, perhaps for every wave, or on a monthly basis.

For now we might want to simply not delete the weekly folder where the weekly builds are copied to?

Kind regards,


On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 6:49 PM Ed Bratt <ed.bratt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

In the Jakarta EE Spec. committee, a question has been raised about the
compatible implementation for Servlet. The Spec. ballot referenced
Eclipse GlassFish Snapshot release -- is that the test vehicle, or the
compatible implementation? If the compatible implementation comes from
Servlet project and is pulled into Eclipse GlassFish, perhaps we simply
mistakenly referenced GlassFish as the compatible implementation -- and
Eclipse GlassFish snapshot was just the vehicle to confirm that the
released Servlet implementation passed.



TCK Results:

If the Compatible implementation is Eclipse GlassFish, we will want to
use a released version that won't be overwritten. Apparently, Snapshot
is viewed as an over-writable release. (I wasn't aware of this nuance.)
If we want to use Eclipse GlassFish for this, we will want the release
to be tagged and archived for future reference. In this case, we should
coordinate these requirements with the GlassFish team as well.

What's the case for this project?

-- Ed

PS if it's any consolation, I don't think that Servlet is necessarily
unique in this issue. Separately, the Specification Committee will be
working to improve their documentation of requirements for this, for
future releases.

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