I've been waiting for a long time now for you to nominate me to the SC since we updated the charter and committer-members can take on SC roles, but they can only be nominated by current SC members. I probably should have synced up with you about this. Or did we do this and I just forgot about it?
But, I don't think it matters now and it is clearly an indicator of how low our activity has been. I believe that you are correct to make a motion that we should retire the working group. Please allow me to follow suit with Philip and second that motion. We can sync up with EF to figure out the next steps.
I am also concerned that the PMC and TLP are defunct. After taking over as PMC chair, I emailed the list several times to ask for project leads to join a meeting and I think Philip was the only person to respond. I believe that we should ask the EMO for guidance on this and make moves to adjust membership and retire projects as needed.
If anyone wants to throw tomatoes at me, please do: They are one of my favorite fruits!