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  • Re: [rt-pmc] Equinox 3.7 Indigo Release Review Document, (continued)
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5251] javax.servlet.jsp.jstl Version: 1.2 (PB CQ4354), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] EclipseLink 2.3 Release Review documentation, Peter Krogh
  • [rt-pmc] Security Policy, Wayne Beaton
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5246] EasyMock Version: 3.0 Subset (using Orbit CQ4630), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] ECF 3.5.1/Indigo review slides, Scott Lewis
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5205] Apache Log4J Version: 1.2.8 (ATO CQ240) (using Orbit CQ2167), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5198] Apache Commons Lang Version: 2.4 (using Orbit CQ2678), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] Today's meeting minutes, Thomas Watson
  • [rt-pmc] OSGi Certification, Ian Skerrett
  • [rt-pmc] I will miss the call this morning, Jeff McAffer
  • [rt-pmc] Agenda item on CQ approvals, Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] pmc rapid approval for asm and jdom piggyback CQs, Scott Lewis
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5193] JDom Version: 1.1.1 (using Orbit CQ4786), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5192] asm Version: 3.3.1 (excluding *.gz files) (ATO CQ4720) ( using Orbit CQ4721), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5177] SLF4J log4j-over-slf4j Version: 1.6.1 (using Orbit CQ4405), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5176] SLF4J API Version: 1.6.1 (using Orbit CQ4377), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5175] SAT4J Version: 2.3. (using Orbit CQ5011), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] Mockito Version: 1.8.4 (Includes parts of CGLib and ASM) (using Orbit CQ3930), RĂ¼diger Herrmann
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5160] Apache Solr Core Version: 1.4 (ATO CQ3733) (using Orbit CQ3973), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5159] Lucene Spellchecker Version: 2.9.1 (ATO CQ3731) ( using Orbit CQ3971), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5158] Lucene Snowball Version: 2.9.1 (ATO CQ3730) (using Orbit CQ3970), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5157] Lucene Queries Version: 2.9.1 (ATO CQ3729) (using Orbit CQ3969), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5156] Lucene Misc Version: 2.9.1 (ATO CQ3728) (using Orbit CQ3968), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5155] Lucene Memory Version: 2.9.1 (ATO CQ3727) (using Orbit CQ3967), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5154] Lucene Highlighter Version: 2.9.1 (ATO CQ3726) ( using Orbit CQ3966), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5153] Lucene Analyzers Version: 2.9.1 (ATO CQ3725) (using Orbit CQ3965), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5152] Lucene Core Version: 2.9.1 (ATO CQ3724) (using Orbit CQ3964), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5151] h2 Database Version: 1.1.117 (2009-08-09) (using Orbit CQ3508), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5131] asm Version: 3.3.1 (excluding *.gz files) (ATO CQ4720) ( using Orbit CQ4721), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5053] Sharing preferences, emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] PMC call participation, Jeff McAffer
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5129] javax.annotation Version: 1.1 (PB CQ5014), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5128] javax.annotation Version: 1.1 (PB CQ5014), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5127] Java Unified Expression Language Version: 2.2 (PB CQ5012), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5126] Java Unified Expression Language Version: 2.2 (PB CQ5012), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5125] jsp-api Version: 2.2.1-b02 (PB CQ4710), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5124] jsp-api Version: 2.2.1-b02 (PB CQ4710), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5123] Glassfish servlet-api Version: 3.1-b33 (PB CQ4712), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5122] Glassfish servlet-api Version: 3.1-b33 (PB CQ4712), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5114] Mockito Version: 1.8.4 (Includes parts of CGLib and ASM) ( using Orbit CQ3930), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for Cole Markham has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Christian Campo
  • [rt-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Cole Markham, portal on behalf of emo
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5113] SAT4J Version: 2.3. (using Orbit CQ5011), emo-ip-team
  • Re: [rt-pmc] Fwd: [osgi_adopters] Invitation to Participate in OSGiProduct Spotlight Program, Ian Skerrett
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5108] asm Version: 3.3.1 (excluding *.gz files) (ATO CQ4720) ( using Orbit CQ4721), emo-ip-team
  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for Peter Wissel has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Peter Wissel, portal on behalf of emo
  • [rt-pmc] Release train requirements for RT projects, Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for Meng Xin Zhu has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Glyn Normington
  • [rt-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Meng Xin Zhu, portal on behalf of emo
  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for Drazen Cindric has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Christian Campo
  • [rt-pmc] Committer vote for A. Schank has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Christian Campo
  • [rt-pmc] [CQ 5094] Tomcat 7.0.12 Version: 7.0.12, emo-ip-team

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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