Okay, great, then all is fine for me. -Markus Von: Jim Krueger [mailto:jckofbyron@xxxxxxxxx] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2024 19:45 An: Markus Karg Cc: Jakarta Rest project developer discussions Betreff: Re: [rest-dev] EE11 Platform call update Markus, My working was perhaps unfortunate. JAXB itself is not being “removed”. It will still be optional. It just is not part of the platform any longer. Liberty, for example, will still support JAXB with EE11. What we’ve been asked to do is to remove the dependency that Jakarta Rest currently has on JAXB. This will just involve removing the Link.JaxbLink and Link.JaxbAdapter inner classes that were deprecated in Jakarta Rest 3.1. Sorry for the confusion.
On Feb 21, 2024, at 12:27 PM, Markus Karg <markus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Speaking just for myself, I need to say that I do have a problem with *removing* JAXB. I have to maintain a software that on one hand shall use latest features, but on the other hand MUST stick with JAXB for backwards compatibility. It is OK for me that JAXB would become *optional* so I can simply drop it into the mix on my own. But *removing* instead of *optional* is a no-go for me and completely WAY off Java's long-term backwards compatibility benefit. Having said that, it is not our charter to necessarily do exactly what the platform people dream of just because they would like so, in particular not *forcefully remove* things just because they want to spare maintenance costs for their paid products or whatever benefit they like to have from *removing* it. Due to that I am -1 for *forcefully removing* JAXB, but I am +1 for having it *optional* in the sense of "application vendors can put it on the classpath if needed". As a side effect, there is not justification for a 4.0. Von: rest-dev [mailto:rest-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Jim Krueger via rest-dev Gesendet: Dienstag, 20. Februar 2024 20:04 An: Jakarta Rest project developer discussions Cc: Jim Krueger Betreff: [rest-dev] EE11 Platform call update In this morning's EE11 Platform call there was renewed concerns about the possibility that Jakarta Rest may need to remain on 3.1 for EE11. The primary point of concern centered around the fact that XML binding would be moving to optional in EE11. This will cause a problem for Jakarta Rest since the deprecated dependency with JAXB is not slated for removal prior to JAkarta Rest 4.0. It was discussed that we might be asked to put out Jakarta Rest 4.0 containing only the removal of the JAXB dependency. I'd also assume if our work with release-3.2 reaches a point where it could be included in EE11 that there would likely be a push to rename 3.2 to 4.0 in order to allow the JAXB dependency removal to be included. I was not in a position to advocate a course of action. I felt that the group should be made aware of this discussion. |