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[rdf4j-dev] Writing docs

Hi Andreas, others,

I can't find back where you said this Andreas but I remember you asked how to go about writing documentation.

There's no full developer guide for this (we really should have at least a Readme), but we use Hugo as our content platform.

You'll find the documentation sources (markdown syntax) in /site/content/documentation/. I suggest putting fedx docs in their own subdir under programming for now. Use some of the other docs for examples.

Protip: you can spin up a local Hugo server with `hugo server -d`. You will be able to see the site on localhost:1313 so you can check your edits are legit before committing and pushing.

Also: the master branch is continuously deployed, so don't push straight to it. Put up a PR.

On my phone so brief. Happy to assist where needed.



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