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[rdf4j-dev] RDF4J 2.1 released + new documentation site

RDF4J 2.1 is a minor release, which means it is fully backwards-compatible with RDF4J 2.0. It has several new features and improvements, as well as a number of bug fixes. Some of the highlights:

  • a fluent ModelBuilder API to more easily create RDF models programmatically;
  • configurable strict/extended SPARQL query support, to allow use of magic properties and extended datatype comparisons (in beta);
  • extended xsd:dateTime (and related datatypes) comparison;
  • limit/offset/distinct REST API parameters to allow for easier pagination of query results.

In total, RDF4J 2.1 address 21 issues. See the Change Log for details.

In other news: we’ve got a new documentation website for RDF4J: This new site is generated from our documentation source repository at GitHub, using AsciiDoc.

This new site hopefully makes documentation easier to find and navigate, and it allows us to maintain and extend the RDF4J documentation far more easily. Now that we have the infrastructure fixed, we hope to start pushing out some badly needed extensions and updates to the documentation shortly.

By the way: we could use a hand! If you feel you could write a tutorial, a FAQ, or have any sort of additions or improvements to make on the existing documentation, don’t hesitate to go to our rdf4j-doc GitHub repo and do a Pull Request with your changes.

To avoid existing links to documentation suddenly becoming unavailable, the existing doc pages on the main site will remain available for now, but will no longer be updated, except perhaps to include notices that you should go have a look at the new site.

As always, we welcome your feedback.


The RDF4J Developers

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