Dear Eclipse Qrisp Project team.
As you know, our open source rules of engagement require that project teams operate in an open, transparent, and meritocratic manner.
As part of this, elections of both committers and project leads must include a demonstration of merit. Specifically, the nomination statement for an election should provide examples of how the candidate has demonstrated an understanding of the role they're being elected to. This demonstration is for both the project team and for the community.
Describing what the candidate does or will do within the context of the project is not enough. If these candidates are ready to be committers, then it should be easy for you to find some examples of contributions to cite in a merit statement. If there is no public record to cite, then it should be relatively easy for candidate committers to make some meaningful contributions via pull requests that you can cite when you rerun the election later.
Here's a few useful links regarding Committer elections:
I suggest deleting this election record and invite the project team to restart the election when the conditions are met.
Maria Teresa Delgado
-- The Eclipse
Management Organization | Eclipse Foundation