Hi Florent.
I still haven't sorted out why you're having trouble from the
The developer portal's functionality should still work, though.
If you go to http://portal.eclipse.org, log in, scroll down to
"Eclipse Projects", click "[view]" next toi
"polarsys.polarsys.eplmp" and then "[contribution] of code to be
maintained at eclipse.org", you will enter the workflow.
On 05/07/16 11:37 AM, Florent Garin
Hi Wayne,
I've just submitted the contribution questionnaire. What
can I do now? I need to submit the zip of the source code I
PS: sorry Wayne, I know that we took time but each time I
had a time slot to work on the initial contribution I faced a
difficulty that prevented me to go forward.
Hi Florent.
The project seems stalled. We are expecting an initial
contribution of code to be reviewed by our IP Team
before moving the code into a PolarSys Git repository.
Is there anything that I can do to assist?
On 18/03/16 01:49 PM, Wayne Beaton wrote:
This is great news. Thanks, Matt.
/cc PolarSys PMC
I'd like to welcome you to eclipse.org
and provide you with a little additional guidance.
We have several wiki pages that exist to help you manage
your project.I'd like to direct your attention to the
"Development Resources" page [1] in general, and the
"Managing a Project" section [2] in particular. If you
already have code for your new project, please play
particular attention to the information about your
"Initial Contribution" [3]. Note that your initial
contribution must be the first commit in your project
repository, and you cannot commit to the repository
until after you've received approval from the IP Team.
There's more information on the "Starting a New Project"
page [4] .
All of the committers on your project should review the
"New Committer Handbook" [5], and may consider attending
the Eclipse Committer Bootcamp [6]. Committers are
expected to be familiar with the Eclipse Development
Process [7] and the Eclipse Committer Due Diligence
Guidelines [8]. Please make sure that they have an
opportunity to familiarize themselves.
I strongly encourage you to make use of the Common Build
Infrastructure (CBI) [9] for your project builds.
You should also familiarize yourself with the Project
Management Infrastructure (PMI) [A] that we use to
maintain and disseminate meta information about the
Please ensure that all committers and mentors register
for the the project's "dev" list and be sure to monitor
the project's forum for questions from the community.
Finally, please also encourage all project committers to
join the incubation mailing list[B]. We use this list to
connect committers from new projects to their peers in
other projects in the incubation phase and to mentors
who can help answer questions and discuss issues related
to the project onboarding process.
I know that this is a lot of information to absorb. If
you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask
your project mentors, or me, for assistance.
[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Development_Resources
[2] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Development_Resources#Leads:_Managing_A_Project
[3] https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#ip-initial-contribution
[4] https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#starting
[5] https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook
[6] https://wiki.eclipse.org/Development_Resources/Committer_Bootcamp
[7] http://www.eclipse.org/projects/dev_process/development_process.php
[8] http://www.eclipse.org/legal/committerguidelines.php
[9] http://wiki.eclipse.org/CBI
[A] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Project_Management_Infrastructure
[B] https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/incubation
On 17/03/16 04:30 PM, Webmaster(Matt Ward) wrote:
The eplmp project is all set up and ready to go! Here are the specifics
(please communicate this information to your committers):
** Please note: If I was unable to locate committer records for some of
the initial committers they won't be able to access the resources below
until they receive their polarsys.org user id's.
1.GIT access:
A new repository has been created for you on GitHub:
If your committers have added their GitHub account to their Eclipse
Foundation account, they should receive an invite to join the eplmp
team. If the committers didn't have a GitHub account, they should
create one, then login to https://dev.eclipse.org/site_login and under
the account details section add their GitHub id in the 'GitHub id' box.
As your project is now an Eclipse Foundation project, please observe and
follow the Eclipse Committer Due Diligence guidelines explained below:
If you have any questions with regards to the operation of your project
or the above guidelines, please don't hesitate to contact
webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx (Infrastructure issues) or emo@xxxxxxxxxxx
(Process/guidelines issues).
2. Mailing lists
The eplmp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx list has been created. You can subscribe to
the list here: https://polarsys.org/mailman/listinfo/eplmp-dev .
Subscription is required to post messages to the list.
3. Forums
A forum for eplmp has been created. You can access it via
http://polarsys.org/forums . An initial welcome message has been posted.
You have a downloads area with 2GB of space. To access this area, simply
use an SFTP or SCP client (such as CoreFTP or WinSCP) in SSH mode to
and connect to polarsys.org. Your downloads path can be accessed via:
To link to a downloadable file, use the following path:
<a href="" moz-do-not-send="true" href="http://download.polarsys.org/eplmp/eplmp-1.0.0.zip" target="_blank">"http://download.polarsys.org/eplmp/eplmp-1.0.0.zip">
You can move any outdated or un-needed files to archive.polarsys.org
just by copying the files to /home/httpd/archives/eplmp .
These files can be linked to using:
<a href="" moz-do-not-send="true" href="http://archive.polarsys.org/eplmp/eplmp-1.0.0.zip" target="_blank">"http://archive.polarsys.org/eplmp/eplmp-1.0.0.zip">
5. Bugzilla
Your bugzilla project, components, versions (if specified) and
milestones (if specified) have been created.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask on the
incubation@xxxxxxxxxxx mailing
Wayne Beaton on behalf of the Eclipse Management
The Eclipse Foundation
Wayne Beaton on behalf of the Eclipse Management
The Eclipse Foundation
Wayne Beaton on behalf of the Eclipse Management Organization
The Eclipse Foundation