We have a meeting on Thursday December 15th morning in order
to finalize the charter.
The first and strong objective of this meeting is to
finalize the charter in order to be able to formally create
the working group.
After that meeting, we plan to switch our discussions from
OPEES mailing list to this public mailing list.
I think that from the beginning of 2012, we can start
planning for weekly or bi-weekly conf call in order to
follow the progress of the implementation of Polarsys.
In parallel, we start working with Wayne Beaton to implement
the infrastructure for the Polarsys IWG.
In order to make these infrastructure discussions public,
and not to overload subscribers of this mailing who are more
interested in the development of the ecosystem, I think that
we should create a tecnical mailing list. The name of such a
miling list could be polarsys-iwg_infra@xxxxxxxxxxx,
or polarsys-iwg_archi@xxxxxxxxxxx.
What do you think of that?
Best regards,
Gaël Blondelle
OPEES Project Leader
+33 672 120 226
Le 13/12/11 20:01, Mike Milinkovich a écrit :
We announced
the M2M Industry Working Group proposal at the same time
as the Polarsys IWG. I am curious as to the status of
Polarsys' charter, and what we need to get done in order
to complete it, and formally launch the group. Please
The M2M group
had weekly phone calls in order to make progress. Should
we do something similar for Polarsys?
I am pleased to inform you that the M2M
Industry Working Group has finalized its charter, and this
IWG is now formally created. You can find the group's
charter at [1].
If you have any interest in learning
more, or participating in this group, please subscribe to
the m2m-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx
mailing list at [2].
[1] http://eclipse.org/org/industry-workgroups/m2miwg_charter.php
[2] http://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/m2m-iwg
+1.613.224.9461 x228
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