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Re: [polarsys-iwg] Review of Polarsys Proposal


Here are a few remarks :

* links with existing IWG are mentioned in the Charter document, but not
  to Eclipse *projects*. Is it on purpose ? I think it would help to
  understand existing ties, for example with TopCased, etc.

* membership : by its nature (Industry WG), it seems rather obvious that
  membership is for corporations (or academic institutions). What about
  individuals ? (make it explicit even if not possible/welcome)

* The wiki documents generally lack links to other documents, standards,
  etc, which would help refining some of the concepts, acronyms and

* Maybe some history on the past OPEES project could help understand
  why/who/where of this group (maybe it's obvious for those in the
  field, but may not be so clear for 3rd parties).

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

On Tue, 15 Nov 2011 16:18:01 +0100, "GAUFILLET, Pierre" <pierre.GAUFILLET@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear colleague,
> As you may already know, the members of the ITEA project OPEES have sent a proposal for a new Industrial Working Group (IWG) named Polarsys to the Eclipse Foundation. This IWG aims at organizing very long term support for open source tools & components, as required by many industrial users (see the press release:
> The proposal itself can be accessed here: and the charter there:
> We now have about 1 month to comment and complete these two documents before freezing them for the actual creation of Polarsys.
> As it will become far more difficult to introduce changes afterward (it will probably require at least a super-majority consent), we suggest carefully reviewing and commenting them as soon as possible if you are interested in this initiative.
> Announces and discussions about these documents and more generally about Polarsys takes place on the following mailing list: . While you can directly access its archive and RSS flow, note that you have to subscribe to be allowed to post.
> Of course, your questions, remarks, suggestions, or declaration of interest (particularly useful if you want to support the creation of Polarsys) are welcome on this list.
> Feel free also to transfer this invitation to those of your contacts who may want to participate.
> Please contact me directly if you need more information.
> Best regards,
> Software Engineering Specialist
> Avionics and Simulation Products Software - EYYW
> Mailto: pierre.gaufillet@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:pierre.gaufillet@xxxxxxxxxx>
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Olivier BERGER - OpenPGP-Id: 2048R/5819D7E8
Ingenieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut TELECOM, SudParis (, Evry (France)

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