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[platform-ui-dev] Build submission for I20071009-0800

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 203753. [Markers] Errors expanding on every select (FIXED)
+ Bug 204304. [GlobalActions] Convert some File actions (FIXED)
+ Bug 204574. [GlobalActions] convert SHOW_WORKBOOK_EDITORS (FIXED)
+ Bug 204576. [GlobalActions] convert SHOW_QUICK_ACCESS (FIXED)
+ Bug 204577. [GlobalActions] convert SHOW_OPEN_EDITORS (FIXED)
+ Bug 204580. [GlobalActions] convert NEW_EDITOR (ASSIGNED)
+ Bug 204790. [Workbench] lock on .metadata/.lock is never released (FIXED)
+ Bug 205058. [Markers] Tasks had no filters for description, completion
and priority (NEW)
+ Bug 205069. [Trim] Dragging a maximized editor's tab restores editor
+ Bug 205222. [WorkingSets] use 'Properties' to configure working sets
+ Bug 205224. [Databinding] Removing LinkedList dependency from Realm
+ Bug 205286. [ViewMgmt] Icons from one view's toolbar appear in another
view (FIXED)
+ Bug 205474. [Themes] The wrong default font is loaded when you specify a
different theme. (FIXED)
+ Bug 205497. [Markers] Change the old marker view references to the new
one (NEW)

The following projects have changed:

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