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  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.27 RC2 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.27 (2023-03) RC1 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Declare 4.27 RC1, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Opportunity for funded work - Release engineering for the Eclipse Platform, Paul Buck
  • [platform-dev] Bug 561001 - Debug console with command line history, Chris Genly
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.27 (2023-03) RC1 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.27 (2023-03) M3 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Declare 4.27 (2023-03) M3, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] [Proposal] Switch master to next release after M3, Andrey Loskutov
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse an Equinox 4.27 M3 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Allowing bundles to target Java 17 for 2022-06 release, Aleksandar Kurtakov
  • [platform-dev] Retriever a build on eclipse.platform, Hoepfner, Marcus
  • [platform-dev] Selection hard to see on Linux (dark theme), Thomas Singer
  • [platform-dev] help, 12_Gairick Dam
  • [platform-dev] A future without source features?, Mickael Istria
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.27 (2023-03) M1 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Declare 4.27 M1, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Who feels responsible for the User-Interface-Guide?, Christoph Läubrich
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 (2022-12) are available, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Master branch is open for 4.27 development, Aleksandar Kurtakov
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 RC2 (2022-12) RC2 is available, Aleksandar Kurtakov
  • [platform-dev] Declare 4.26 RC2, Aleksandar Kurtakov
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 RC2 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 RC1 (2022-12) RC1 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Declare 4.26 RC1, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] 4.26 JobManager implementation changes: Possible deadlock in IJobChangeListener, jkubitz-eclipse
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 (2022-12) RC1 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 (2022-12) M3 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Declare 4.26 M3, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox M3 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Taking up responsibility of giving a Go for 'Platform UI' for each milestone, Kalyan P Tatavarthi
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox M2 reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Committer Election for Mihai Nita on Eclipse Platform™ has started, emo
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 (2022-12) M1 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Declare 4.26 M1, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 M1 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse Platform and SDK EclipseCon Community Day request for Speakers, Gerald Mitchell
  • [platform-dev] Fwd: [eclipse-ide-wg] Eclipse IDE Steering Committee Working Group Election - Committer Member Seat Nomination Period Extended, Jonah Graham
  • [platform-dev] Drop usage of useJDK=BREE?, Christoph Läubrich
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) are available, Sravan K Lakkimsetti
  • [platform-dev] Please don't forget to make 4.25 visible in the composite and so so as soon as possible, Ed Merks
  • [platform-dev] RC2 Was Not Contributed to SimRel, Ed Merks
  • [platform-dev] Reusing generic editor features in JDT, Gayan Perera
  • [platform-dev] Master branch is open for 4.26 development, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) RC2 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Declare 4.25 RC2, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Adding new version of JNA library in orbit, Muhammad Umair Sair
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) RC2 reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox RC1 (2022-09) is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Making a copy of dark swt theme, Gayan Perera
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) RC1 Sign-Off, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Blocker issue for 4.25, Mickael Istria
  • [platform-dev] The Platform's 2022-09 M3 Contribution, Ed Merks
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) RC1 reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) M3 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) M3 Sign-off, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] platform-resources merged into platform repo now, Christoph Läubrich
  • [platform-dev] Platform repository history rewrite, Andrey Loskutov
  • [platform-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) M3 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [platform-dev] platform-team merged into platform repo now, Christoph Läubrich
  • [platform-dev] Patching folders of a plugin, Gayan Perera
  • [platform-dev] Code Review of Build File Changes, Mattie Nejati

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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