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Re: [platform-dev] Source Tarball Eclipse 4.17.0



We will need build native fragment for e2k platform. This will require some trials.


  1. Clone eclipse.platform.swt and clipse.platform.swt.binaries repos
  2. Duplicate eclipse.platform.swt.binaries/bundles/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86_64 as eclipse.platform.swt.binaries/bundles/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.<arch>
  3. Update build.xml with the platform architecture
  4. Run ant target “build_libraries” in build.xml (completes in less than 10 minutes)

     ant -f <fragment dir>/build.xml build_libraries


At minimum you’ll need gtk3 development libraries and jdk to be installed. I don’t remember off hand on other libraries, but the error messages form ant command should give you clues on other dev libraries to be installed.

Once built you’ll need to commit the newly built libraries and then start full maven build.





From: Kirill Kotovich <kirillkotovich1@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 18 June 2021 02:19
To: Eclipse platform general developers list. <platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [platform-dev] Source Tarball Eclipse 4.17.0


Sounds interesting. I understand correctly that to build SWT on Linux it is enough to clone "eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/org.eclipse.swt", rename ".classpath_gtk" to ".classpath" and run "mvn verify" in the root of the project? These articles pushed me to this conclusion:


чт, 17 июн. 2021 г. в 06:57, Sravan K Lakkimsetti <sravankumarl@xxxxxxxxxx>:

The problem here is non availability of swt native fragment for e2k platform. We need to create native fragment for e2k platform for this to work. If are interested you can try creating fragments for swt and launcher.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kirill Kotovich <kirillkotovich1@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 17 June 2021 01:25
To: Eclipse platform general developers list. <platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [platform-dev] Source Tarball Eclipse 4.17.0

Thank you, everything was found. I was confused by the lack of the "org.eclipse.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder" directory in the project root, and searching for the required packages in the "eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder" directory failed due to my carelessness.

Can you help with another problem? Building Eclipse 4.17 on Windows and Ubuntu for amd64 was successful, but trying to build Eclipse 4.17 on Linux on an unsupported e2k platform failed with the following
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-compile) on project org.eclipse.swt.tests: Compilation
failure: Compilation failure:
[ERROR] /home/main/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.swt/tests/org.eclipse.swt.tests/JUnit
[ERROR] import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
[ERROR] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[ERROR] The import org.eclipse.swt.SWT cannot be resolved [ERROR] /home/main/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.swt/tests/org.eclipse.swt.tests/JUnit
[ERROR] import org.eclipse.swt.custom.BidiSegmentListener;
[ERROR] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[ERROR] The import org.eclipse.swt.custom cannot be resolved [ERROR] /home/main/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.swt/tests/org.eclipse.swt.tests/JUnit
[ERROR] import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyleRange;
[ERROR] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Before the error there was such information:
[INFO] ---------------< org.eclipse.swt:org.eclipse.swt.tests >----------------
[INFO] Building org.eclipse.swt.tests 3.106.1000-SNAPSHOT [376/504]
[INFO] ------------------------[ eclipse-test-plugin ]------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.1.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.swt.tests --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:2.0.0:build-qualifier
(default-build-qualifier) @ org.eclipse.swt.tests --- [INFO] The project's OSGi version is 3.106.1000.v20200818-1529 [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:2.0.0:validate-id
(default-validate-id) @ org.eclipse.swt.tests --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:2.0.0:validate-version
(default-validate-version) @ org.eclipse.swt.tests --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:copy-resources
(saveproperties) @ org.eclipse.swt.tests --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/main/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.swt/tests/org.eclipse.swt.tests/saveproperties
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven) @ org.eclipse.swt.tests --- [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-cbi-plugin:1.1.8-SNAPSHOT:generate-api-build-xml
(default) @ org.eclipse.swt.tests ---
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.swt.tests --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/main/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.swt/tests/org.eclipse.swt.tests/src/main/resources
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:resources (filter-resources) @ org.eclipse.swt.tests --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/main/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.swt/tests/org.eclipse.swt.tests/src/main/resources
[INFO] --- tycho-compiler-plugin:2.0.0:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.swt.tests --- [INFO] Compiling 127 source files to /home/main/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.swt/tests/org.eclipse.swt.tests/target/classes
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] eclipse-platform-parent 4.17.0-SNAPSHOT ............ SUCCESS [ 4.052 s] [INFO] eclipse-sdk-prereqs 4.17.0-SNAPSHOT ................ SUCCESS [ 1.067 s] [INFO] eclipse jdt 4.17.0-SNAPSHOT ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.090 s] ......................................

пн, 14 июн. 2021 г. в 06:59, Sravan K Lakkimsetti <sravankumarl@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> After the maven build is successful you’ll find the folders mentioned in The root folder will be eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator. If these folders did not get created there must be a problem in the build.
> Thanks
> Sravan
> From: Kirill Kotovich <kirillkotovich1@xxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: 12 June 2021 23:19
> To: Eclipse platform general developers list.
> <platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [platform-dev] Source Tarball Eclipse 4.17.0
> The option to clone the branch from the git repository was successful,
> but, I apologize for the stupid question, where are the build results?
> The information on the following link did not help me find the answer
> The option to clone the branch from the git repository was successful,
> but, I apologize for the stupid question, where are the build results?
> The information on the following link did not help me find the answer
> --
> With gratitude,
> Kirill
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