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[pde-ui-dev] PDE UI released for M7 warmup

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 76854. [target] Target platform preferences should not be imported (FIXED)
+ Bug 113870. PDE editor seems to improperly process extension points defined in fragments (FIXED)
+ Bug 183000. [Manifest][Editors] Blocking dialogs and NPE when switching between manifest editor source pages (FIXED)
+ Bug 261678. [Editors] [Feature] NPE in feature editor (FIXED)
+ Bug 265058. NPE in BuildMonitor (FIXED)
+ Bug 266169. [target] Support 'select required' feature in add/edit bundle container wizards (FIXED)
+ Bug 267121. [target] styled label provider for the bundle containers (FIXED)
+ Bug 267709. [target] icon for running instance target (FIXED)
+ Bug 267848. PDE illegally complains about non-externalized strings (FIXED)
+ Bug 267954. PDE search does not select the correct source ranges (FIXED)
+ Bug 268549. [target] Display more information about definition on preference page (FIXED)
+ Bug 268966. Import binary plug-ins does not update source attachment when replacing existing non-jared plug-ins (FIXED)
+ Bug 269036. "Binary Plug-in Projects" decorator does not work any more (FIXED)
+ Bug 270968. [target] why 'Target' and 'Running' Platform? What's the diff? (FIXED)
+ Bug 272322. [target] Setting target platform when missing optional plug-ins causes NPE (FIXED)
+ Bug 272983. SpyFormToolkit leaks a Clipboard and throws NPE (FIXED)
+ Bug 273049. [CheatSheet] Registering a cheat sheet fails with java.lang.NullPointerException (FIXED)
+ Bug 273152. [target] p2 download progress does not work properly (FIXED)
+ Bug 273208. [target] Pressing cancel breaks container preview page (FIXED)
+ Bug 273255. Cleanup duplicated string in properties files (FIXED)
+ Bug 273399. Exception from PDECore.stop() when exiting my target (FIXED)
+ Bug 273421. Failing LocalTargetDefinitionTests because a bundle has been added to the JDT feature (FIXED)
+ Bug 273511. PDERegistryStrategy is leaking tons of zip file handles. (FIXED)
+ Bug 273614. Implicit Dependencies should allow selection from all bundles (checked or not) (FIXED)
+ Bug 273618. property tester _expression_ doesn't check selected element's type (FIXED)
+ Bug 273639. [target] Editing the active target platform removes checkbox (FIXED)

The following projects have changed:

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