How does Eclipse recognize that V2 is _no update_ for
Kepler? How can i make sure that Kepler will not list V2 as update
to V1 (as V2 has troubles with Kepler)? Do i have to create
another p2 Repository?
The best way to make sure plugin-v2 isn't installable in Kepler is
to be accurate for the version range of your dependencies in
MANIFEST.MF. Setting the version ranges as accurately as possible
(relying on API Tools and so on) is a very good practice.
AFAIK, the Installer Dialog doesn't hide plugins that require
incompatible dependencies. So it will show plugin-v2 under Kepler,
however it will fail to install it; but the p2 remediation page
might be able to propose installation of plugin-v1 instead.
A clean way to pack both may be to have a feature depending on both
versions of the plugin, marking them "optional". So when trying to
install the feature, p2/Eclipse should pick up the best compatible
version of the plugin.
If your plugin is meant to go on Eclipse Marketplace, note that
MarketPlace site and MarketPlace client inside Eclipse have ability
to annotate a version of the plugins with a target version of
Eclipse, and filtering the installable plugins according to the
Eclipse version.