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Re: [papyrus-ic] [picrac] Papyrus IC Research/Academia webinar this Friday

Hi Antonio.

Indeed, we do have a wiki page with links to past presentations, see [1]. However we don't have the recording for yesterday's presentation there yet. The sound is not very good so it needs to be edited before we post it. 

On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 5:30 AM Garcia-Dominguez, Antonio <a.garcia-dominguez@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Ernesto, 

Thank you for organizing the telco, it was very interesting. I have one person in Twitter asking about the pure-systems presentation. Do we have a wiki page with links to the various presentations that I can forward him to?

Kind regards, 

El 15 mar. 2017 16:29, Ernesto Posse <eposse@xxxxxxxxx> escribió:
Hello everyone.

I'd like to announce a new webinar in our series, this Friday at 16:00 CET, 15:00 GMT, 11:00 EDT (Note that daylight savings time has begun in Northamerica).

We have two guest speakers: Gert Johansson from Saab/Combitech and Danilo Beuche from Pure Systems. The presentations will be around the topic of software product lines.

Connection information

We will be using the usual Skype for Business/Lync session. Here's the connection information.

Backup connection

If for some reason we experience difficulties with the Skype session, we have an alternative WebEx session. The link is the following:
To get audio with WebEx you need to dial-in. The list of international access numbers is attached.

Ernesto Posse

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