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Re: [papyrus-ic] [picrac] Papyrus IC Research/Academia webinar this Friday

Hi Ernesto, 

Thank you for organizing the telco, it was very interesting. I have one person in Twitter asking about the pure-systems presentation. Do we have a wiki page with links to the various presentations that I can forward him to?

Kind regards, 

El 15 mar. 2017 16:29, Ernesto Posse <eposse@xxxxxxxxx> escribió:
Hello everyone.

I'd like to announce a new webinar in our series, this Friday at 16:00 CET, 15:00 GMT, 11:00 EDT (Note that daylight savings time has begun in Northamerica).

We have two guest speakers: Gert Johansson from Saab/Combitech and Danilo Beuche from Pure Systems. The presentations will be around the topic of software product lines.

Connection information

We will be using the usual Skype for Business/Lync session. Here's the connection information.

Backup connection

If for some reason we experience difficulties with the Skype session, we have an alternative WebEx session. The link is the following:
To get audio with WebEx you need to dial-in. The list of international access numbers is attached.

Ernesto Posse

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