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Re: [paho-dev] Failing to connect to mosquitto in GitHub/Travis tests

Hi Frank,

I don't know about any mosquitto issue as yet, but in the C and Java client tests I use the paho.mqtt.testing Python broker.  Just git install the repo,  change into the interoperability directory and then run 'python3 -c localhost_testing.conf'.  You can look at the C client Travis config to see the exact details, obviously.

Doesn't answer your question directly but might give you another option in the meantime.


On 09/10/2019 15:00, Frank Pagliughi wrote:

Hey All,

The unit tests for the Paho C++ library have been failing for the last week or more. The tests install mosquitto and use it to connect over localhost inside the container. Now I'm getting all connection failures:
Test Results:
Run: 224 Failures: 2 Errors: 55
1) test: mqtt::async_client_test::test_connect_0_arg (F) line: 178 /home/travis/build/eclipse/paho.mqtt.cpp/test/cppunit/async_client_test.h
forced failure
- Connection failure: MQTT error [-1]: TCP/TLS connect failure
2) test: mqtt::async_client_test::test_connect_1_arg (E)
uncaught exception of type mqtt::exception
- MQTT error [-1]: TCP/TLS connect failure
I tried re-submitting an old version that had passed, and it failed as well, so I don't think it's from any new code that I've added recently.

I have Travis running xenial and appears to be downloading and installing mosquitto 1.6.7.

Any ideas? I'm stumped.


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Ian Craggs
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Eclipse Paho Project Lead & Mosquitto Committer

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