Hi all,
I would like to apply a robust MQTT cpp library on linux system in
my project. I have seen there are two directions of development of this
topic by eclipse. Which one is called mosquittopp
https://github.com/eclipse/mosquitto) and second one is called
paho.mqtt.cpp (
https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.cpp). Whereas I
found a few of forum in this topic, I can't decide which is the best
from aspects like up-to-date, robustness, stability.
Mainly I am interested in when I should choose mosquittopp and when paho.mqtt.cpp?
Probably the answer lies in details, I saw mosquittopp based on
mosquitto until paho.mqtt.cpp based on paho.mqtt.c. Which are the
differents between two C library?
Most important aspects for me:
- The project is compiled on AMD and ARM architecture, used OS: Ubuntu and Debian.
- Fast C/C++ bugs fixes and supports.
- stability, robustness.
If this question already asked, I am sorry and please link to me that section of topic where I can find the answer.
Thanking your reply in advance.
Best regards,