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Re: [paho-dev] Test Paho against an MQTT 5 broker

Hi Dominik,

thanks for the offer, and great to see the support of MQTT V5 in HiveMQ!

I'd like to respond to that offer by making another in return.

Given that Paho is an open source project, and all the material is freely available, including the tests, it could be a valuable contribution to the project to run those tests against different brokers and report any issues (or report success!).   Another contribution could be to add more tests.

Like many open source projects, some Paho committers work on the project in their spare time.  Even for people like me, for whom it is part of my job, it's not my only job.  I wrote the Paho MQTT V5 server last year so that our client libraries could be tested against it because none existed at the time.  Finding time to complete all the potential work (including support) can be hard.

So while running our tests against other brokers is a good idea, it's not going to scale well if the Paho team has to run all those tests.   If anyone relies on the Paho clients in any way, running the tests could be a way of 'paying' us back :-)


On 16/07/2018 17:56, Dominik Obermaier wrote:

It’s fantastic to see that Eclipse Paho with all its libraries is moving fast towards MQTT 5.

In case you want to test Eclipse Paho against a MQTT 5 compatible MQTT broker, HiveMQ has released a completely free Early Access Preview with MQTT 5 support without any limitations:

All the best,
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Ian Craggs
icraggs@xxxxxxxxxx                 IBM United Kingdom
Eclipse Paho Project Lead & Mosquitto Committer

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