Hi all
Ian Craggs has been a key member of the Paho team since the
project was established, and through the recent 1.0 release
Ian was the committer who "made things happen", authoring the
release proposal and plan as well as personally maintaining
some of the clients and making fixes across the code base.
In short, Ian is an excellent example of someone who has
taken a leading role in the project and we would like to
propose that he be elected one of the project leads on Paho.
However, Dave and I already "co-lead" the Paho project and
have discussed how best to go forward. Given that Dave and Ian
work for the same sponsor organisation, Dave has suggested
that he steps back to allow Ian to take the lead. For my part,
I expect my ability to contribute to be reduced given my
recent job change, but I'm happy to stay on to support Ian and
help to provide some balance where appropriate.
- any comments or questions?
- Committers, please indicate whether you are happy with
this proposal.
Also: a personal THANK YOU to the entire team of
committers, leads, and most importantly the community
contributors for making the 1.0 release happen. We do
recognise that this is a team effort and we appreciate the
community "keeping us honest" with your code contributions and
testing :-)