Hi Pahoers,
First, congrats on your successful 0.9 release review.
I'm doing some work upgrade ECF's MQTT remote services provider
[1], and so thought I would try out the latest build of 0.4.1
prior to Juno RC1. I went to [2] and picked up today's
build...which was/is [3]. A couple of thoughts/comments about
this build as a consumer
1) Bundle-Version is 0.4.1.SNAPSHOT
although I understand what Bin Zhang writes below about this, I
feel I should point you at this [4] from the Versioning Guidelines
wrt the qualifier segment. I looked in the 5/1 jar, and it has
the same qualifier (0.4.1.SNAPSHOT). One reason the qualifier
matters to consumers (like ECF/me) is that it can make installing
the latest version very error prone...especially once you've
deployed and consumers are using multiple versions of the Paho
java client...after several releases.
2) I see that the singleton bit is set for the bundle...i.e:
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.eclipse.paho.mqtt-client;singleton:=true
Is this singleton declaration actually needed? If not, I would
recommend taking out the singleton:=true attribute...so that it
would be possible to use multiple versions of paho java client in
a single OSGi framework. For OSGi it's a best practice to make
bundles non-singleton...if possible. But as I'm sure you
realize, that would also mean that the qualifiers would have to be
different for different versions.
3) WRT the symbolic name, Bin Zhang says (below):
It seems it not always the case,
eclipse jetty doesn't follow the convention also.
I think the symbolic name with
prefix will be more identifiable.
I understand. There is a potential problem that can result from
this, however...and that's while org.eclipse.paho.mqtt-client is
guaranteed to be globally unique (because of org.eclipse.paho
prefix), the filename 'mqtt-client' alone is not. This separation
between the jar name and the bundle name...while not fatal...can
result in some very complex and ambiguous situations for
consumers...particularly when multiple versions have been
released/are available. Obviously you have not yet had multiple
releases for Paho java client, but once you do this will matter to
4) A question: Are you going to make the paho java client bundle
available in a P2 repo...in addition to maven repo?...That would
then allow direct install into Eclipse...and it would then allow
all other EF project to more easily consume each other's
work...without having to redistribute multiple copies in their own
repos (e.g. a part of ECF depends upon a bundle from EMF). That's
the primary reason it's a simultaneous release requirement, I
Good to see the release coming together...and good luck.
On 4/14/2014 1:35 AM, Bin BJ Zhang wrote: