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Re: [paho-dev] plan for java client?

Hi Scott,

I updated the according to your comments, except for the following two:

1.  Bundle-Version: 0.4.1.SNAPSHOT

This is generated by maven-bundle-plugin according to the version defined in pom.

2. Symbolic name

// One other observation/question:   I see the jar file name is:
// mqtt-client-0.4.1-20140407.102244-44.jar and the bundle symbolic name
is:  org.eclipse.paho.mqtt-client.
// At one time I thought there was some convention around having the jar
name match the symbolic name + // the version...e.g.:

It seems it not always the case, e.g. eclipse jetty doesn't follow the convention also.
I think the symbolic name with groupId prefix will be more identifiable.

Best Regards,
Bin Zhang

From:        Scott Lewis <slewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:        paho-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date:        2014/04/08 07:48
Subject:        Re: [paho-dev] plan for java client?
Sent by:        paho-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Al,

On 4/7/2014 3:43 AM, Al Stockdill-Mander wrote:
> Scott,
> Thanks for your feedback, very useful. If it helps we actually publish
> nightly dev builds to a nexus repo hosted by eclipse (The recent
> builds are actually a mix of regular and gerrit triggered builds while
> I was configuring gerrit, the most recent is back to being just a
> build from the develop branch). You can download the jars directly
> here;
> Given your points 2 and 3 I would appreciate it if you could take a
> look at the output and let me know if it needs any work.

Sure.   Below is the manifest for 0.4.1.SNAPSHOT bundle for the
following jar:


Below I intersperse comments and suggestions.


Scott from mqtt-client-0.4.1-20140407.102244-44.jar

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bnd-LastModified: 1396866160489
Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_45
Bundle-Description: The Paho project provides scalable open-source imple
 mentations of open and standard messaging protocols aimed at new, exist
 ing, and emerging applications for Machine to Machine (M2M) and Interne
 t of Things (IoT).
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: mqtt-client
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.eclipse.paho.mqtt-client
Bundle-Vendor: Eclipse Paho

// Scott:  In looking at other bundles, I think the convention is:
// Bundle-Vendor: - Paho
// There's also a convention that the values for Bundle-Name and
Bundle-Vendor use values from a properties
// file...e.g.

// Bundle-Name:
// Bundle-Vendor: %bundle.provider
// Bundle-Localization: bundle
// and in separate file (e.g.):

// # Copyright (c) 2010 Composent Inc., IBM and others.
// # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// #
// #
// Core API
// - ECF

// I believe that having these manifest values in a separate properties
// allows multilanguage handling in that the bundle name
// and bundle vendor can be presented in appropriate language in Eclipse
About listing...with
// language translation done of all properties files done by the Babel

Bundle-Version: 0.4.1.SNAPSHOT

// Scott:  You might want to look at the EF version numbering spec...i.e:
//  Among other things,
projects that want to participate in the
// simultaneous release are required to use 4 part version numbering.  
Now I know that maven has
// conventions around the use of 'SNAPSHOT' it might be useful for
you to get the input of someone like
// David Williams, who is the usual releng person for the simultaneous
releases.   One way to get a hold
// of David for his opinion about this is via the cross-projects mailing

Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
Export-Package: org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3;version="0.4.1.SNAPSHOT";

// Scott:  I personally would like to not see any part of the qualifier
for the Export-Package
// version specification...e.g. why not just "0.4.1"?...rather than
"0.4.0.SNAPSHOT".   This
// isn't required/fatal by any means, but as a consumer I find it
off-putting to have
// anything in the qualifier for package export versions...because then
things look different
// between snapshot releases and 'real' releases.


// Scott:  I know there can be good reasons for it, but why is the
logging package both exported
// and imported by this bundle?  Can you do with out it?

Tool: Bnd-

// Scott:  I don't see and Bundle Required Execution Environment
(BREE)...e.g. here's one for one of our
// bundles:

Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: CDC-1.1/Foundation-1.1,

// I believe a properly set BREE is required for the simultaneous
release requirements...i.e. see here
// and

// For running in Eclipse, I would suggest adding this
// Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy

This is an OSGi standard header that Eclipse bundles traditionally
use...since Eclipse uses lazy startup.

// One other observation/question:   I see the jar file name is:
// mqtt-client-0.4.1-20140407.102244-44.jar and the bundle symbolic name
is:  org.eclipse.paho.mqtt-client.
// At one time I thought there was some convention around having the jar
name match the symbolic name + // the version...e.g.:

// org.eclipse.emf.ecore_2.10.0.v20131209-0519.jar for emf ecore...with
version 2.10.0.v20131209-0519.

// I can't recall right at this moment why that convention was put in
place...and it may not be necessary any // longer...with more recent
versions of OSGi and Eclipse...but it might be worthwhile inquiring
about it with
// someone that remembers why it was done that way.



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