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Re: [paho-dev] Tweaks to Paho projects on Github

I'm new to Eclipse Git development myself, so I'm not certain.

I think these are essentially just read-only mirrors, and per and we'd need an organisation / team set up in order to use Github as a master for dev. I guess Chris or Wayne could clarify.

To be fair, the way the mirroring is set up via a period manual script, there's a chance that the commit hooks I've configured on the Github repos will not in fact work - but it's worth a shot and could be pretty cool :-)

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 7:48 AM, Nicolas DEVERGE <ndeverge@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
That's great news !

Does it mean that we can fork and submit pull requests on GitHub and that it will reach the Eclipse Git repo ?

Also, that could be handy if someone could add a tag on the current head in order to fix a version (1.0 or something else), no ?

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 5:45 PM, andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx <andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The Eclipse Git repositories are mirrored on Github, and therefore the Paho C and Java clients exist on Github as well as at Eclipse.

I made a couple of minor changes to the Github repos, and an additional pretty cool one (well, I think so!)

- I changed them both to have a web link to
- I turned off Issues and Wikis on Github for both repos, and added a note in the description that issues should be reported via Eclipse Bugzilla
- I created a service hook for both repos. In the future, when changes are made to the repositories, a message will be published to the broker on the appropriate topic (github/paho/java or github/paho/c) containing the JSON object from the Github commit hook :-)

Andy Piper | Farnborough, Hampshire (UK)
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Andy Piper | Farnborough, Hampshire (UK)
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