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[] Good Governance Initiative v1.1 has been released!

Hiho good people,

This email is to (proudly) announce that we published the **official release of the Good Governance Initiative v1.1** [1] earlier this month for the OSXP 2022 conference.


It has been a great collaborative journey, with people from various companies, countries and backgrounds, all committed to deliver great content, and on time. It's been an immense pleasure to work with such a wonderful team, and I'd like to thank everybody involved in this delivery. Good People, you rock!

The v1.1 release includes the following components:
* Updates to the Handbook v1.1 [2]
* The my-ggi-board repository for fast and easy deployment [3]
* New translations (german, french, and more to come) [4, 5]


Please feel free to have a look, share -- and contribute!

We will keep our commitment and continue working on the initiative during the upcoming year, to improve the handbook, build more bridges, disseminate open source best practices and foster our great community. Please stay tuned and spread the word around you: this success depends on all of us, and *you*!

Thank you for reading, have a wonderful week.. Cheers!

Boris Baldassari
Open Source Consultant | Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH
M:+33 648038289

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