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Re: [osgi-wg] OSGI Working Group Committer Representative Election - Nomination Period Extended


just to make sure: Do you want take part in the specification process or do you and/or Scott want to have a seat on the Steering/Specification Committee? Please note that the Specification Committee is not the place, where the actual specification work happens. It basically governs the Specification process the Specification Projects need to adhere to.

If you just want to take part in our Specification Work, you can join any meeting of the Spec Project. The calendar is open:"">


Am 10/06/2021 um 08:53 schrieb Christoph Läubrich:

In addendum to Scott:

I find it rather confusing what a 'Committer member' actually is, the text says that:

> Committer Members are individuals who [...] are able to contribute and
> commit materials to the Eclipse Foundation projects included in the
> scope of this working group.

e.g. I'm a committer of tycho, tycho is for building OSGi Stuff and using OSGi technologies internally so is Tycho a project included in the scope of this working group?

Another example is I sometime contribute patches to Equinox (is Equinox a project included in the scope of this working group?) but I'm not a committer but as these changes are merged I obviously  'are able to contribute and commit materials' ...

To summarize and as I have previously state, I'm really willing to contribute and participate in OSGi WG and technology but all this bureaucracy, terms and membership definitions really holding me back to start contributions...

Am 09.06.21 um 23:19 schrieb Scott Lewis:
Perhaps the restrictions should be loosened so that committers from other than the spec project...e.g. EF committers/projects that implement these allowed to provide committer representation?


On 6/9/2021 1:39 PM, Sharon Corbett wrote:

All:The nomination extension has now ended and at this time both seats remain unfilled.

Should any OSGi Specification Project Committer member be interested in either seat, please do connect.

This is a great opportunity to provide committer level representation to the governing bodies of the working group!For more information on the associated powers and duties of these committees, please refer to the Charter


On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 4:44 PM Sharon Corbett <sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    The Steering and Specification Committees of the OSGi Working
    Group each have one seat available for Committer members.

    While the nomination period ended on May 24, 2021, we would like
    to extend the nomination period to *June 4, 2021*.

    All members are encouraged to consider nominating and self
    nominations are more than welcome.

    *Please note only committer members
    <>of the OSGi
    Specification project
    eligible for nomination as that is the project within scope of the
    OSGi Working Group*.

    If you are unsure if you are a committer member, please feel free
    to reach out to me personally for clarification.

    Best Regards,

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Jürgen Albert
Member Eclipse OSGi Working Group Steering Committee

Data In Motion Consulting GmbH

Kahlaische Str. 4
07745 Jena

Mobil:  +49 157-72521634
E-Mail: j.albert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



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