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[osbea-wg] OS.bea Newsletter No 3 / November 2018

Dear all,


it has been a busy November, so here is a quick update on OS.bea activities since September.


The main news is that Eclipse features us officially among the Working Groups now – a clear indicator that OS.bea has left its nascent state behind it, shaken off last bits of eggshell, and matured into a fully-functioning group. We have joined an exclusive circle. There are only ten other groups on the page, and they are backed by heavyweights from various industries. Check it out for yourself. When it comes to working groups, OS.bea is right on the front page now.


Members of the working group met at the EclipseCon in Ludwigsburg in late October, discussing the roadmap. What became clear during the meeting was that participants see a need to establish standards for DSL grammars. Specifically, Werner Keil and Nedelcho Delchev suggested that a sub-group should be formed that will see how abstract layers will be defined.


We continue to do webinars and workshops, e.g. in public services and insurances. It won’t surprise you that we have also talked to retailers, some of them very large ones. As for the roadmap, we have made a new massive wave of commits on the Eclipse site and completed a bunch of improvements, e.g. regarding runtime performance and state machine algorithms. Mondrian has been updated to version 3.14 (resulting in extended functionalities); we have made the modelling process in the software factory more comfortable; and we have added basic support for web services. Noteworthy, we have facilitated developers’ control of event messages on perspective level.


As we have emailed a few days ago, there is another OS.bea meeting scheduled for December 5th. It will be an opportunity to make headway on the standardization issue. Apart from that, we plan to introduce up-and-running OS.pos – the first piece of software that was created with the OSBP software factory and built to be aligned with OS.bea members’ requirements. For all those who wish to participate, we would be happy to receive a brief message from you in advance.


Finally, the reminder that the subscribers’ number displayed by Eclipse is not correct. For some reason, they stopped counting at twenty-something. This reminder is getting unfortunately traditional, but we feel that we need to repeat this for newcomers.


Best regards,


Christophe Loetz



Yours sincerely

by order Holger Traupe

Communications Manager

Compex Systemhaus GmbH, Hebelstraße 22, D-69115 Heidelberg

Telephone:       +49 (6221) 53 81-127
Telefax:            +49 (6221) 53 81-60


Sitz / Siège Social / Registered Office: Heidelberg
Geschäftsführer / Gérant / General Manager: Christophe Loetz
Registergericht / Numéro de Registre / Commercial Register: Mannheim HRB 334033 

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