Dear all,
a mere half-year after the kick-off of OS.bea Working Group, we can demonstrate a productive software that was planned in line with the group and produced with the low-code/no-code technology of OSBP.
I refer, of course, to our new cash register software OS.pos. Planned with partners and customers, it has proven its flexibility to suit all the individual requirements made by the corporate users.
Experiences made by implementing OS.pos will lead us to the second topic of the agenda: standardization of the domain-specific languages (DSL) presently in use. Now that model-driven software engineering is really taking of, it seems wise to pursue standardizations in this field before the most rapid growth begins. Members of the OS.bea Working Group will meet on:
Compex Systemhaus GmbH, Heidelberg,
on 5th December, 2018, starting at 14.00h.
You will find the complete agenda of the event attached to this email. We would welcome your visit.
Yours sincerely
Compex Systemhaus GmbH
Yours sincerely
by order Holger Traupe
Communications Manager
Compex Systemhaus GmbH, Hebelstraße 22, D-69115 Heidelberg
Telephone: +49 (6221) 53 81-127
Telefax: +49 (6221) 53 81-60
Sitz / Siège Social / Registered Office: Heidelberg
Geschäftsführer / Gérant / General Manager: Christophe Loetz
Registergericht / Numéro de Registre / Commercial Register: Mannheim HRB 334033
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