Dear all,
after a successful kick-off meeting, we are promoting OS.bea among our customers. We hope that they will subscribe to the mailing list, and that some of them will enroll to the actual working group later on. Unfortunately, the mailing list counter is buggy: the displayed number of participants is wrong and, therefore, we cannot directly see whether our efforts are fruitful. Well, we do hope that Eclipse will repair this bug one day…
My colleague Mr. Mollik went to the Eclipse France conference in Toulouse last month, where we presented „AppUpIn5Minutes“ – how to create a full-fledged application by dragging and dropping a CSV file into the OSBP workspace. (Watch the video here.) The dramatic effect did not fail its audience. Specifically, participants were impressed how far automation has been taken by OSBP, seeing that the entire engineering process was conducted as modeling, not coding.
Regarding OSBP-derived applications, we are presently testing our OS.pos in a real-life test environment where we combine it with POS-typical hardware and devices, such as bar code scanners, touchscreens, customer displays, payment terminals or signing pads. OS.pos will be installed at our first customers‘ for an end-user test at the end of August.
As for our OSBP roadmap, we have completed more than 50 enhancements (or are are currently doing so), such as adding an authentication feature to the mobile user interface. Moreover, peripherals like signing pad and payment terminal are now supported by OSBP. The same is true for two new databases, Apache Derby and mariaDB. The next steps after this will include enhancements in the user interface (UI). We have also had a few ideas how to facilitate the DSL modeling even further and are working out how to put them into practice.
Our marketing team is preparing a presentation at the EclipseCon Europe (October 23rd -25th), working titled “how to fabricate arbitrary business applications using xtext grammars”.
Please don’t hesitate to send us your questions and comments.
Best regards
Christophe Loetz
Compex Systemhaus GmbH, Hebelstraße 22, D-69115 Heidelberg
Telefon: | +49 (6221) 53 81-138 |
Telefax: | +49 (6221) 53 81- 60 |
Sitz / Siège Social / Registered Office: Heidelberg
Geschäftsführer / Gérant / General Manager: Christophe Loetz
Registergericht / Numéro de Registre / Commercial Register: Mannheim HRB 334033
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