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Re: [orion-dev] Accessing Server/File API from plugin

I followed up with Rémi offline, but for the benefit of anyone reading the thread, here's a forum post that explains how to achieve this:

In short, a plugin can create its own copy of the pluginregistry running inside its IFRAME, and then take advantage of the services provided by the Orion fileClientPlugin. This is the same process that the outer "host" page uses, but running inside a plugin.

It would be a big help if Orion provided a way to reuse the host page's services from a plugin. Having to re-create the IFrame structure a multiple times is wasteful, and pulls in a bunch of unwanted code since the most convenient way to perform the complex plugin/preference/service initialization dance is to reuse bootstrap.js.


On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Remi Vankeisbelck <VANKEISB@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I need to access files from a plugin.

The following API seems good :

How can I access this from a plugin ? The plugin runs in a separate IFrame and therefore I cannot access the orion REST apis...

Is there a JS API that the plugins can use ?


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