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[orion-dev] Headless Orion ((and not for a Halloween costume))

Hello Everyone,

Is there a way to run Orion headless?

I'm attempting to use the Orion framework (authentication core, file clients, preferences, plugins etc..) as an alternative base framework for Maqetta ( I'd like an "either or" type of setup-- either use the Maqetta UI or the Orion UI both running on the Orion framework. This strategy allows Maqetta to slowly plug-in its features to the Orion UI and adopt Orions features into our UI.

Looking at the Orion index.html, I see plugin loading/startup behavior and extracted it into my own class (below). Unfortunately It appears that the orion/preference service drags in the Auth service, which drags in GlobalCommands which has a lot of DOM manipulation and UI associated with it. Is there an easier/alternative way to initiate the preferences and load plugins?

My current setup has both Orion and Maqetta hosted on the same OSGi/Jetty instance so there shouldn't be any cross domain issues.

Attempted Orion Init Code:

define(['dojo', 'orion/serviceregistry', 'orion/preferences', 'orion/pluginregistry'],

function(dojo, mServiceregistry, mPreferences, mPluginRegistry, mCommands) {
// initialize service registry and EAS services
var serviceRegistry = new mServiceregistry.ServiceRegistry();

// This is code to ensure the first visit to orion works
// we read settings and wait for the plugin registry to fully startup before continuing
var preferenceService = new mPreferences.PreferencesService(serviceRegistry, "/prefs/user");
var pluginRegistry;
preferenceService.getPreferences("/plugins").then(function() {
pluginRegistry = new mPluginRegistry.PluginRegistry(serviceRegistry);
dojo.addOnWindowUnload(function() {
return pluginRegistry.startup();

Brad Childs

IBM Software Group
Emerging Internet Technology / Browser Technology Center
Office: (512)-286-5681
Cell: (512)-569-5816

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