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Re: [orbit-dev] orbit-recipes failures

Thank you so much, Roland!

Could you please tell me what link should I use to consume the Orbit p2 repository with log4j 2.16.0? (I have some strange sporadic problems accessing )


12/16/2021 10:30 PM, Roland Grunberg пишет:
On Thu, 2021-12-16 at 09:53 -0500, Roland Grunberg wrote:
On Thu, 2021-12-16 at 08:03 +0300, Alexander Fedorov wrote:
 orbit-recipes job fails with
+ mvn -V -B -e clean install -Declipse-sign=true -Dartifact-
f6459352/ line 1: mvn: command not found
I will have a look. The build itself does not appear to have changed,
and happens in a custom container that has not changed, so it's a bit
odd to see it fail like this.
The build appears to be back to normal again. I simply updated the base
container upon which our custom container depends to
eclipsecbi/fedora-gtk3-mutter:34-gtk3.24 and that fixed the issue.

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