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[open-measured-data-wg] AC call meeting minutes

Hi *,

please find attached the minutes of the AC conference call last friday.

So long,

Canoo Engineering AG            T: +41  61 228 94 44
Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Benzing   M: +49 177 501 49 68
Kirschgartenstrasse 5
CH-4051 Basel       andreas.benzing@xxxxxxxxx
Title: OpenMDM Architecture Committee Meeting Notes: 2016-11-18

1. Attendees

The following members were present

  • Andreas Benzing (Canoo Engineering AG)

  • Jan Blockx (Siemens AG)

  • Stefan Ebeling (BMW AG)

  • Sibylle Peter (Canoo Engineering AG)

  • Stefan Wartini (Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme GmbH)

The following members were absent

  • Stefan Beese (Bertrandt Services GmbH)

  • Gerd Weckenmann (AUDI AG)

2. Topics

2.1. Results from Kick-Off to Roles and Rights

Stefan Wartini (Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme GmbH) reports that as a result of the Kick-Off the question about how much of the environment is actually defined by the Architecture Committee. For the current approach to the roles and rights management, a minimum of JEE 7 is desirable. Since the web client developed by Gigatronik already relies on JEE 7 and Glassfish, there is no further definition required. However, the participants will verify that these are still valid assumptions.

The question how to distribute code and resulting artifacts to projects is discussed. The current state where all code is developed at and located in the MDM|BL project is not a good approach, since it requires the management of two projects without allowing a proper separation of code. In order to set up a proper project structure, the entire development process must be considered. This includes, among others, the review of internal and external contributions for quality assurance. An overall approach to this topic is still being discussed in the QC (ORGA-36).

From the AC point of view, a separation between the API and client implementations could be a valid approach. However, this separation could also be achieved inside a single project. In either case, the project lead(s) must actively participate in the gremia meetings in order to ensure the flow of information across the involved parties.

There are currently no requirements by the AC which require a certain project setup and hence the projects should be set up depending on the development organization.

3. Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for December 16, 2016, 09:00 CET.

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