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[mpc-dev] Feedback on MPC 1.2 version for Kepler

Hi All,

I had time to test MPC 1.2 version for Kepler and I have to say that I really like it! I was using: Kepler M5 - Eclipse Classic 4.3 M5a windows 64 bit.

Here's my feedback:

General Issues:
-Listings logo are a bit stretch and they don’t look sharp.

> - 398200: MPC Popular tab is fetching the wrong feed

This is working!

We need to re-instate the most favorite call to actually return the most favorites :

I think we should fix this after Kepler is released. If we do this now, MPC 1.1 will show the most favorites under the popular tab.

> - 323259: Show "Star Rating" in MPC wizard when searching

Clicking on the favorite button always redirect to "Eclipse site login".

I was thinking that we could redirect the user to the actual listing and let the website redirect the user to the site login. Maybe we could add an argument/flag to the url so that I can verify if the user has a valid session. If he doesn't I can redirect him to the Eclipse site login. I was thinking we could do something like

> - 337774: No multiselect plugin install

+1 I was able to install 2 plugins. Very cool feature.

> - 374105: Improve error message when there is no connectivity with the
> marketplace server

If you lose your connection while browsing MPC:

MarketplaceDiscoveryStrategy failed with an error
Unable to read repository at[...]
Connection reset

> - 401721: Add a News tab to the MPC wizard

After clicking on the newsletter tab, I had to re-size MPC because the newsletter is larger than my MPC window. The MPC window width seems to be relative to your screen size, a larger screen might not have this problem.


Christopher Guindon
Web Developer
Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: chrisguindon

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