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Re: [mosquitto-dev] Bridge connection over Websockets

Hello Martin,

I am curious about your specific application. I was under the impression that mqtt over websockets exists mainly to be able to reach a broker "directly" from a web browser.

In the past I've heard of some people using WS to achieve higher connection success rate against cloud brokers, as firewalls are less likely to block port 443 (compared to 8883). But nowadays some brokers in the cloud seem to directly support MQTT over TLS on port 443. This guarantees the same success rate (port 443) without the need of an additional websocket layer. To use it, sometimes you have to set the variable bridge_alpn in mosquitto.conf.

Maybe if you could give more details, the need for such support could become more obvious.

Kind regards,

On Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 2:19 AM Martin Kjær Jørgensen via mosquitto-dev <mosquitto-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Following up on previously posted message:

I curious whether this feature is prioritized at all or considered too niche?

If it is feasible, I'm considering trying implementing MQTT bridging over
WebSocket probably using libwebsocket, either within the mosquitto project or
as a new role for libwebsocket.

Do you have any objections to this?

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