Hi Team,
Recently, we have faced the below error in a few mosquito instances. After we get the below warning, mosquitto is not sending the PUBREC packet for the subsequent messages to the sender once it receives the PUBLISH packet. I understand PUBCOMP is sent even after the PUBREC warning. But, I believe something else is blocking the mosquitto to send the PUBREC packet for the subsequent messages. Here sender is the Hive MQ to the mosquitto (V1.6.2). Mosquitto and HiveMQ are connected via a bridge.
2021-11-09T05:22:18: Received SUBACK from my-bridge
2021-11-09T05:22:41: Received PUBLISH from my-bridge (d0, q2, r0, m51, 'mytopic/command/Test123', ... (7 bytes))
2021-11-09T05:22:41: Sending PUBREC to my-bridge (m51, rc0)
2021-11-09T05:22:41: Received PUBREL from my-bridge (Mid: 51)
2021-11-09T05:22:41: Warning: Received PUBREL from my-bridge for an unknown packet identifier 51.
2021-11-09T05:22:41: Sending PUBCOMP to my-bridge (m51)
2021-11-09T05:22:57: Received PUBLISH from my-bridge (d0, q2, r0, m101, 'mytopic/command/Test456', ... (7 bytes))
2021-11-09T05:23:36: Sending PINGREQ to my-bridge