Hi, all.
I have a mosquitto server deployed in a Docker container. I mounted
a volume for logs and persistence file and everythings seems to work
fine except for the persistence: The mosquitto.db files doesn't
grows even if I stop any subscriptor which could empty queues.
Write permissions on db path are fine, if I delete the file
mosquitto.db, mosquitto creates it again when started. But nothing
seems to be written into and when mosquitto logs to have written his
in-memory database to the file, the mosquitto.db was touched and its
"last time modified" updated accordingly.
Any suggestion is strongly appreciated.
# cat /etc/redhat-release (both container and host)
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/mosquitto.repo
name=mqtt (CentOS_CentOS-7)
mosquitto version 1.4.14 (build date
2017-09-14 18:40:30+0000)
mosquitto config file:
retry_interval 20
user mosquitto
port 1883
protocol mqtt
autosave_interval 180
autosave_on_changes false
persistence true
persistence_file mosquitto.db
persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/
log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log
log_type all
connection_messages true
log_timestamp true
allow_anonymous true
From Mosquitto log:
Fri Feb 9 17:50:41 2018: Saving in-memory
database to /var/lib/mosquitto/mosquitto.db.
Mosquitto db file (host side):
-rw------- 1 systemd-bus-proxy
systemd-bus-proxy 39 Feb 9 17:56
Mosquitto db file (from the container):
# ll /var/lib/mosquitto/mosquitto.db
-rw------- 1 mosquitto mosquitto 39 Feb 9
16:56 /var/lib/mosquitto/mosquitto.db
Best regards, Matteo Fracassetti.