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Re: [mosquitto-dev] mqtt<->websocket

And make sure that your mosquitto server up to date. Websocket is not supported central ubuntu repositories. You can add mosquitto ppa and install from there the latest version. 


Mustafa Said Uçar

Electronics Engineer

GΩHM Electronics

------ Original message------

From: Nicholas O'Leary

Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2016 12:06

To: General development discussions for the mosquitto project;

Subject:Re: [mosquitto-dev] mqtt<->websocket

First you need an MQTT client that supports connecting over websockets. 

Eclipse Paho has a _javascript_ client that does just that -

Once you have that connected, then it behaves like any other mqtt client - the fact it is connected using websockets doesn't matter. You'll be able to publish and subscribe to topics and it won't matter how other clients are connected to the broker.


On 19 February 2016 at 09:49, Артем Пастухов <artem.pastukhov@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all.
Is there any howto about passing messages between mqtt and websocket on same mosquitto server?

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