Why do you say "not a useable tooling"? Did you test them?
The general impression I've been given by folks using it is that it's
incomplete and not product quality. It's also been unsupported for
years, so the community is redirected to use Papyrus for the purpose of
graphical UML editing...
Agreed 100%. GMF Tooling and UML2 Tools 100% support community to
use Papyrus for graphical UML editing.
I think we should in general be less absolute in our judgements. "not
usable" is a strong statement.
Perhaps incomplete is a better word. I can't judge personally. It's
just a reflection of what I've been told, so hearsay...
Agreed to incomplete, and certainly much less usable as well.
It serves as demo how much can be achieved for UML2 like editors
using just the generator, while Papyrus should hopefully replace
UML2 editing with Enterprise Architect, MagicDraw, and RSM/RSA
widely by mid or end of this decade within all larger, long term
planning enterprises.
We believe 100% in Papyrus/TocaseD and have promoted them for many,
many years in the financial industry.
Regards, Philipp
Regards, Philipp
Focus of the UML2 Tools project is now:
- demonstrate what can be generated with GMF Tooling 3.0 for the UML2
Metamodels of all UML2 diagram types.
- test advanced features from Papyrus, that are backported to GMF
- validate new GMF Tooling features before they are used in Papyrus
and other projects using GMF Tooling.
People working on generating UML2 like diagram editors for UML2 like
metamodels are welcome to contribute to the GMF Tooling subproject
UML2 Tools" and become committers.
Do you really mean subproject, or is the UML2 Tools code more
appropriate as example code within GMF Tooling? Do you, for example,
anticipate that the two code bases will have different sets of
committers? Is there value in maintaining a separate web presence for
two separate projects? Will there be separate builds? Or is it just
two separate Git repositories owned by the one (GMF Tooling) project?
I don't see that it needs to be two separate repositories.
If the UML2 Tools code is really just an aspect of the GMF Tooling
code, then I recommend that we stick with the letter of the review and
go ahead with just moving the code from UML2 Tools into GMF Tooling,
and retire the UML2 Tools project.
Yes, please do.
People looking for full featured UML2 Tooling should look at Papyrus.
This seems to reinforce my opinion that UML2 Tools code is just an
aspect/part of GMF Tooling and should not be a project in its own right.
I CC the component leads, if they want to add details.
On 28.11.2012 18:00,modeling-pmc-request@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
From: Wayne Beaton<wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'PMC members mailing list'"<modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Date: 2012/11/27 01:11 PM"
Subject: [modeling-pmc] Modeling projects in CVS
Sent by:modeling-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
Some of the projects on this list are scheduled for termination (UML2
Tools and UMLX) and so will be taken care of naturally.
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Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @waynebeaton
Explore Eclipse Projects<http://www.eclipse.org/projects>
EclipseCon 2013<http://www.eclipsecon.org/2013>
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Message: 2
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 13:48:31 -0500
From: Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 'PMC members mailing list' <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [modeling-pmc] Project website migration to Git
Message-ID: <50B7ADFF.9020808@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Greetings Modeling PMC.
AFAICT, there are several projects that have not yet initiated the
migration of their project websites to Git.
PMC members: please contact these projects to ensure that they initiate
the migration.
These projects have their own websites. AFAICT, they have not yet made a
request to webmaster to migrate.
These projects are terminating and their websites will be archived.
emft - Redirects to /modeling/emft
These projects have website directories that redirect elsewhere. In some
cases are there are extra files that may need special consideration. In
some cases, it may make sense to ask the webmaster to setup a redirect
rather than migrate an otherwise empty web directory (e.g. modisco, xsd).
emf - Redirects to /modeling/emf
query2 - Redirects to /projects/project.php?id=modeling.emf.query2
modisco - Redirects to /MoDisco
uml2 - Redirects to /modeling/mdt/?project=uml2
xsd - Redirects to /modeling/mdt/?project=xsd#xsd
These project directories contain the template that webmaster provides
when he creates a new project. They have been unaltered. I think that we
can just ask webmaster to delete them.
gmf-notation - template
gmf-runtime - template
![Montages AG]()
W. Kutter
CEO, Dr. sc. ETH
Montages AG
Stampfenbachstr. 48
CH-8006 Zürich
tel: +41 44 260 75 57
mob: +41 79 338 06 17
web: www.montages.com