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Re: [modeling-pmc] Sven's comment on Comment to Ed's new main textfor the Eclipse Modeling Project

On Aug 19, 2012, at 12:37 PM, "Wendland, Marc-Florian" <marc-florian.wendland@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Sven wrote:
>I totally respect the work people did at OMG but it is just not relevant for me nor to any of the technologies I've been working on in the past years.
>And it never was. I never shared those visions nor do I know that anybody I work with does.

Well, at least MOF/EMoF is relevant for you and all technologies/framework in the EMP, isn't it?

EMOF is not relevant, EMF is.

You entire Xtext approach is based on MOF, isn't it?

No it's based on EMF.

Note, that there is some conceptual similarity between Ecore and EMOF because Ecore influenced its design (not vice versa).
And while there's a way to serialize EMF models in an EMOF compatible XMI format I never used it nor have I ever seen someone using it.
Why should one, as long as there is no other implementation being able to read it. 


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