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Re: [microprofile-wg] [microprofile] Re: DISCUSSION Thread: MicroProfile dependency on Jakarta EE (tight or loose)

A quick update on the progress of this topic:
On this week's MicroProfile Technical call, we finally tidied up the googledoc of MicroProfile dependency on Jakarta EE. Jan added and clarified Proposal 5. Please read if you have not. The consensus is to put Proposal 1, 3 and 5 for voting after the Live hangout on 16th May and leave this week for you to go through the proposals again. If you have any questions on any of the 3 proposals, please comment on this thread. Jan plans to send another email to advocate the newly added Proposal 5.

Thank you for your patience!


On Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 3:43 PM Emily Jiang <emijiang6@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
During the last 2 MP calls, we talked more about Proposal 1 and 3. Proposal 4 is not quite feasible in the short term as it involves more org updates. We can continue reassessing the situation in the future.

Proposal 3 requires a runtime to implement both EE updates and MP at the same time when the EE release happens, which might need some dedicated resources to spend on the implementation of both areas. Unless there is a runtime candidate to support this, it might not be a voting option because the plan cannot be executed without a backing runtime. Please shout here if you can support this.

With the above concerns, I suggest modifying Proposal 1 with the text in purple to be more proactive with embracing new EE releases with the hope of addressing some concerns.

Proposal 1:
The minimum Jakarta EE  version would be specified in the MicroProfile umbrella specification like it currently is in the component specifications.
  • The minimum Jakarta EE Core Profile version would be 10 for MicroProfile 7

Implementations must pass the Jakarta EE TCK for the version and profile they implement.

Whenever a new EE release happens, MP needs to review whether the current release works with the new EE release. If not, a new MP release needs to be done as soon as possible

We can discuss this further at today's MP live hangout call.

On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 4:30 PM Arjan Tijms <arjan.tijms@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I think anything that effectively enables option 4 is the best option. So option 3, where MP effectively (but perhaps not officially) joins the EE release train, should be the best option for now.

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

On Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 11:15:27 PM UTC+1 Reza Rahman wrote:
+1. At this stage there is a high probability Microsoft will vote +0 on this particular issue. Both 1 and 3 have different tradeoffs, but are workable.

From: 'Emily Jiang' via MicroProfile <microp...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2023 5:11 PM
To: MicroProfile <microp...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Microprofile WG discussions <micropr...@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [microprofile] Re: DISCUSSION Thread: MicroProfile dependency on Jakarta EE (tight or loose)
Thank you all for your contributions towards the google doc or the meeting conversation! At this week's live hangout, we discussed the proposals again. Since there were not many supporters for Proposal 2. It was suggested that only Proposal 1 and Proposal 3 would be put forward for a vote among working group members. If you have any other thoughts, please comment on the google doc or this thread. 


On Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 11:23 PM Emily Jiang <emij...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
After some lengthy discussion regarding the issue David raised in this thread that MicroProfile 7.0 is trying to solve, we revealed this googledoc  containing some proposals in yesterday's MicroProfile technical call. There are 4 proposals listed with cons/pros included.

For Proposal 4: Making the MicroProfile a profile of Jakarta EE, the group felt that there was a prerequisite to dissolve MicroProfile working group. This might not be feasible to release MicroProfile 7.0 in June 2023. With this in mind, the group felt it might be better for us to focus on Option 1, 2 and 3 and discuss further in the next few days till Tuesday next week. At the MicroProfile Live Hangout, we can decide whether we need further discussion or put up for a vote on Option 1, 2 or 3 among MicroProfile Working Members.

Proposal 1: MicroProfile releases support a minimum Jakarta EE versions
Proposal 2: Create MicroProfile Lite and rename the current umbrella to MicroProfile Full
Proposal 3: Release new MicroProfile versions when new Jakarta EE/Java SE versions are released

I understand not everyone was in yesterday's call. Please use this thread to share your thoughts.
Alternatively, please comment on the cons/pros of each individual proposal.


On Wed, Feb 8, 2023 at 6:25 PM 'Emily Jiang' via MicroProfile <microp...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank you Arjan! Your proposal was added to the doc. We will continue the discussion of MicroProfile 7.0 next Tuesday.

On Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 3:47:44 PM UTC Arjan Tijms wrote:

On Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 6:09:14 PM UTC+1 Emily Jiang wrote:
As promised, I have created this googledoc to capture and log some comments for this conversation.

Thanks for creating the document Emily.

Could you also add my proposal of making the Micro Profile a profile of Jakarta EE to the document as proposal 4?

I know some of you may think it's a peculiar proposal, but I would like to ask those people to do the following thought experiment:

"If the micro profile didn't exist yet, and today, given the situation of how Jakarta EE is at Eclipse and everything, we would talk about adding a micro profile and associated new APIs. Would you then wanted to create a new working group for this new micro profile, or would you add it as a profile to Jakarta EE?"

My guess is you already know the answer to this, but truthfully for yourself, go through this mental exercise. It may also help to think about why we didn't create new or separate working groups for the core profile last year and for the web profile after it was transferred.

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

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