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[microprofile-wg] MicroProfile 5.0 is released!!! Thank you for your massive support!

I am pleased to announce that we have obtained all of the approvals to release MicroProfile 5.0. MicroProfile 5.0 is officially released today, the very day on JakartaOne Live. I will announce this release at my talk of MicroProfile 4.1, 5.0 and Beyond with a demo. The rest of the marketing activities are happening right now and should be complete this week.

Thank you all for your support! We as a team finished our votings within one week! We did it! Let's sit back and enjoy this achievement on this special day! We can tell our developers that they can use MicroProfile APIs together with Jakarta namespaces.

p.s. I will tidy up the loose ends and then share this with the MicroProfile mailing list as soon as possible.

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