Apologies for the late reply…
While we understand the desire to show the support of the +1, it is bad practice to alter minutes once they are approved (unless there is a true error), and in general, to modify the recorded results of a vote after the vote has been completed. Our recommendation is to not change the minutes.
However, we recognize the value in having all members weigh in on a matter, especially if it is material. So it could be recorded in the next set of minutes, if it’s felt worth adding this +1.
As a reminder, there is no requirement for all members to vote on every matter. That is, provided a quorum is present at a meeting, then as long as the majority of those present vote in favor of a motion, then the motion carries (unless a super majority is required (see Charter). As a matter of style, if all who attended a meeting voted in favor of approving the minutes, then the vote can be recorded as “The minutes were unanimously approved”.
Further from a governance standpoint, we strongly recommend the following:
PDF indicates Approved version in Title for mailing list distribution
Document body no longer references "Draft"
PDF of Approved Version is placed in an Approved Minutes Folder (easy to link to Website)
Please let us know if there are any lingering questions.