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Re: [] EPL v2 for SysML 1.4 ?


Also from the EPL 2.0 FAQ 1] , it is advised that the project switches to EPL 2.0 fully at a time, not parts by parts.

4.2. Should EPL-1.0 projects accept contributions under EPL-2.0?

Since it is extremely easy to re-license from EPL-1.0 to EPL-2.0, we suggest projects remain under the EPL-1.0 until the project is ready to switch fully to EPL-2.0.



Le mar. 26 juin 2018 à 14:39, Camille Letavernier <cletavernier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

I've no opinion for the license part; but projects should follow the Eclipse <ProjectName> pattern [1]. So it would be either Eclipse Modeling (Project) or Eclipse Papyrus (Project). Note that this is decided at the PMC level [2], which is probably why we're using Eclipse Modeling Project.

The provider name should be the full project name. If the name does not already do so, then prefix it with the name of the forge, e.g. "Eclipse EGit", "Eclipse SWTBot", or "LocationTech uDig".

Every plug-in and feature must specify a descriptive provider-name (for features), or Bundle-Vendor header (for plug-ins), as determined by the project's PMC (e.g. "Eclipse Modeling Project" rather than "")


On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 2:05 PM MAGGI Benoit <Benoit.MAGGI@xxxxxx> wrote:



Eclipse public license v1.0 is now deprecated (see [1]), and it’s recommended to move to EPL v2.

In my understanding when simply moving from EPLv1 to EPLv2 there is no legal complexity

and headers and other files should be updated accordingly (See [2]).


Following Photon train release, I will publish a SysML 1.4 version compatible with Papyrus 4.0.0 (Photon)

This version will be number 1.3.0 and I want to take this opportunity  to update the license.


I created a dedicated bug [3] and also a patch [4]


Any comments ? It would be nice if someone can check the patch.


Related points:

-          I discovered the shared license concept in feature. (It would be nice to use it in Papyrus core)

-          Can we agree to change the name of Bundle-Vendor from Eclipse Modeling Project to (one of them)

o   Eclipse Papyrus Project

o   Papyrus Project

o Papyrus

o   (this are patterns used by other projects but I’m open to anything containing “Papyrus”)

o   => The main reason is to remove Papyrus prefix from the name of the plugins (should improve the clarity)





1 :

2 :

3 :

4 :


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Camille Letavernier

Senior Software Engineer
EclipseSource France

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